Web Client Service Remote Code Execution (MS06-008) – A newly discovered security vulnerability in Microsoft Windows, related to the processing of web client request service requests, has been announced. This flaw allows hackers to execute remote code and gain complete control over the affected computer.
This vulnerability impacts commonly used operating systems including Windows XP SP1, SP2, and Windows Server 2003 R2.
– No exploit code has been publicly released yet.
You can update your system with the patch from Microsoft’s website or run the auto-update program. Additionally, we can disable the web client service to prevent attackers from exploiting this vulnerability for the installation of malicious code:
1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. Alternatively, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Administrative Tools.
3. Double-click Services.
4. Double-click WebClient.
5. In the Startup type list, click Disabled.
6. Click Stop, and then click OK.
Or run the following command: sc stop WebClient & sc config WebClient start= disabled