Once upon a time, a farmer raised a large herd of pigs. One day, a stranger came to inspect the farmer’s pigpen and asked what the farmer fed the pigs. The farmer replied:
– I feed them grains, corn, and things like that!
The stranger became furious:
– I am an inspector from the Animal Protection Association, and I believe you are not treating your pigs well. Instead of giving them what they deserve, you are feeding them waste.
The inspector then issued a fine to the farmer.
A few days later, another person came and asked the farmer the same question. Cautious, the farmer responded:
– I feed them very well. Their daily menu includes salmon, caviar, shrimp, and steak…
This answer infuriated the visitor:
– How can you be so unjust? You are feeding the pigs lavishly while countless people are dying of hunger every day. I am with the United Nations, and I will fine you for this wastefulness.
After the United Nations representative left, another person came to ask the farmer the same question. The farmer hesitated for a few minutes and then replied:
– I give each pig 5 dollars. They can buy whatever they want to eat!