The Ugliest Animals in the World


While the flathead catfish might need to spend some time at a beauty salon, the Brushtail possum looks devilish, and the Hawaiian hoary bat can terrify children, it’s only the mother Warthog that can...

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Where does acid rain occur?

mua axit

Rainwater contains a certain amount of acid. However, in industrial areas of Europe and North America, some rainfalls have higher acid concentrations than in other places due to atmospheric pollution from combustion fumes and...

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Stressed Mother, Diabetic Child

Mothers Experiencing Stress Triple the Risk of Type 1 Diabetes in Their Children According to a study conducted by experts at Linköping University in Sweden, mothers who experience stress significantly increase the risk of...

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Mobile Phones Help Prevent Car Accidents


Motorola, the American phone manufacturer, is developing a new handheld device called the "courteous phone" designed to enhance driving safety. This innovative phone can be integrated with the car's computer system to analyze driving...

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Romania faces avian influenza!

rumani colap

Romania Isolates Village Infected with Avian InfluenzaOn October 7, 2005, Romanian authorities isolated a village in the Danube Delta region, consisting of approximately 30 residents, after discovering three ducks that had died from avian...

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