The oldest dinosaur embryo found


The Oldest Dinosaur Embryo FoundSouth African paleontologists have discovered a 190-million-year-old dinosaur embryo from a site that contains seven eggs of this giant reptile, found 30 years ago in a national park.In addition to...

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Discovery of the Oldest Civilization in Europe


This civilization predates the pyramid civilizationArchaeologists have recently discovered the oldest civilization in Europe, with over 150 large temples built around 4800-4600 BCE found in fields across Germany, Slovakia, and Austria.According to scientists, this...

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12,800-Year-Old Rock Painting


The painting is believed to have been created by hunters during the Ice AgeExperts have dated the oldest rock painting in England, found in the Creswell Crags area, to be over 12,800 years old.A...

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Tsunami Reveals Ancient City


These relics have lain buried under sand for thousands of yearsThe tsunami on December 26, 2004, helped Indian archaeologists discover traces of an ancient port city on the beaches of Tamil Nadu.According to archaeological...

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