The Harsh Life of a Young Penguin


Newly hatched Emperor penguins suffer under the conditions of bullying and harassment. A detailed study has recently revealed this. The mature Emperor penguins are very aggressive, forcing the chicks to huddle tightly together in...

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The Colorful Rain

Rain color

Throughout history, various regions around the world have experienced colorful rain. For instance, in 1608, a small town in France witnessed a red rain; in 1963, northeastern China experienced yellow rain; and in 1979,...

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The pen that can read and speak

2fly pen1

What do you think about a pen that can read what your child writes and replay it through a speaker? This is precisely the new product launched earlier this week by Leapfrog, a company...

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Discovery of 1,400-Year-Old Fabric

Ecuadorian archaeologists have recently discovered textile remnants in the tomb of a high-ranking official dated to 600 AD in Northeast Quito. "This discovery is extremely significant as it helps us understand the technology of...

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