If you are tired of your computer frequently freezing, displaying confusing error messages, or running too slowly, give your computer a “shot” of PcMedik, and rest assured the results will exceed your expectations!
PcMedik is an optimization utility designed to make your computer run smoothly and with fewer errors. Moreover, with its unique algorithms, the program helps accelerate your computer so you can always “surf smoothly” on the information highway, no longer enduring the frustration of waiting for your computer to operate at a speed of “one hundred bananas per hour.”
The program is very simple to use and does not require extensive computer knowledge. After running the program, select the operating system you are using in the Operating System section and choose your processor type in the Processor Type section. In the Repair Setting slider, if you pull it towards Heal, PcMedik will optimize your computer for smoother operation; if you pull it towards Heal & Boost, the program will not only stabilize your computer but also speed it up for faster performance.
However, if you have not registered with the manufacturer, you will only be able to use the Heal function. After that, click the Go button. Once the optimization is complete, you will need to restart your computer to see the results.
PcMedik is compatible with all versions of Windows. Download a 28-day trial version at http://www.majorgeeks.com/download85.html or purchase it at software CD stores.