This simple and easy habit can help you live longer, but not everyone is aware of it, experts say.
Simple Habit That Helps You Live Longer
Nowadays, we often see families gathered around a table, sitting on chairs with food spread out before them. Therefore, if you spot a family sitting on the floor to eat, it can seem strange, leading to questions about why they aren’t using a table. However, experts assess this as one of the healthiest habits.
Benefits of Eating While Sitting on the Floor
Hundreds of years ago, sitting on the floor to eat was a necessity due to economic conditions, where people would sit cross-legged or squat. However, with societal advancements and families acquiring beautiful dining sets, this habit has slowly faded. Only those who understand its benefits continue this practice, especially the Japanese.
Eating on the floor is one of the habits that help you live longer.
From a medical perspective, this eating style originates from yoga and traditional Ayurvedic practices of India. According to Samantha Boesch, a health expert currently working in the United States, here are some key benefits of eating on the floor that you may be overlooking:
Improves Digestion
Sitting on the floor in a cross-legged position is excellent for your digestive system. Specifically, the natural movement of bending forward to eat and returning to a sitting position helps the abdominal muscles release digestive juices. This is essential for quick and efficient digestion.
Aids Weight Loss
It may sound unbelievable, but eating on the floor can actually help with weight loss. Samantha shares that when sitting on the floor for meals, both the body and mind focus on eating. This helps you chew more slowly and gives ample time for the stomach and brain to recognize fullness, thereby controlling food intake and aiding weight loss.
Improves Posture, Prevents Back Pain
When eating on the floor, the body naturally adjusts to the most comfortable position. The shoulders move back, the back straightens, and the spine lengthens, which improves posture and helps prevent back pain. This is also a therapeutic yoga position known as Sukhasana in India.
Eating on the floor can improve posture and prevent back pain.
Increases Longevity
A study published in 2012 in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology found that being able to stand up from a seated position on the floor without using any support contributes to increased longevity. This is akin to a natural exercise that enhances flexibility.
Enhances Blood Circulation
Sitting on the floor facilitates the pumping of blood from the heart to other body parts more effectively than sitting at a table. Additionally, it is better for the heart as it reduces undue pressure while eating. For individuals with circulation issues, sitting on the floor while eating is particularly beneficial.
Considerations When Eating on the Floor
Overall, eating on the floor offers numerous health benefits, a practice commonly observed among the Japanese and Koreans, particularly in Okinawa – a region known for its high life expectancy. However, expert Samantha advises keeping a few considerations in mind for a smooth experience.
Before sitting on the floor to eat, choose a clean, well-ventilated, and dust-free area to avoid contaminating your food. If there are young children in the house, be cautious as they can be challenging to manage. In cramped spaces, an uncomfortable sitting position can affect the stomach and even your psychological state while eating.
Importantly, pregnant women should avoid sitting on the floor while eating, as it may impact their health. In summary, maintaining health and longevity is not solely reliant on this habit but also requires a blend of food choices and proper eating practices (chewing slowly, chewing thoroughly, and focusing on the meal) to achieve effective results.