Persimmons are a popular fruit-bearing tree. A persimmon contains up to 0.8% protein, 0.2% lipids, and 0.4% minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, as well as various vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C…
Persimmons also contain citric acid, 4.76% reducing sugars, and 5.9% free sugars, making ripe persimmons sweet to eat. The leaves and unripe persimmons contain flavonoids that inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme, which is effective for treating high blood pressure. The calyx of the persimmon (also known as the “persimmon flower”) has noticeable anti-inflammatory effects, and dried persimmon calyx is very effective for treating hiccups. The bark or root of the persimmon tree can be used to treat conditions such as hemorrhage and blood in urine or stool effectively.
Persimmons can be processed into delicious persimmon jam, which also serves as a medicinal ingredient with many applications in treating coughs, diarrhea, and stopping bleeding… During the jam-making process, the sugars from dried ripe persimmons, known as “thị sương,” can be used to treat stomach aches, dry throat, and coughs…
Here are some medicinal recipes using persimmons:
1. Treatment for Hiccups, Bloating, Indigestion
Use 8g of persimmon calyx, 8g of cloves, and 3 slices of fresh ginger, boil and drink in several doses throughout the day. If treating only hiccups, simply boil 8-10 pieces of persimmon calyx and divide into multiple doses for the day.
2. Treatment for Bedwetting and Frequent Night Urination
Use 10 dried persimmon calyx, boil with 300ml of water until reduced to 50ml, and drink once in the evening before bed.
3. Treatment for Blood in Stool and Constipation
Take 1 dried persimmon, 8g of wood ear mushrooms, chop both ingredients finely, add to 300ml of water, and cook until soft. Consume once daily in the morning.
4. Treatment for Diarrhea and High Blood Pressure
Take 2 unripe persimmons, chop them finely, add to a blender with 150ml of water, blend, and strain to drink 1-2 times a day. If a blender is not available, mash the persimmons, add water, and strain the juice, discarding the pulp.
5. Treatment for Nausea, Anxiety, and Distress
Use 7 pieces of persimmon calyx, 7 peppercorns, 4g of patchouli, 4g of cardamom, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 onions, and 7 slices of fresh ginger. Add all ingredients to a clay pot or aluminum pot, add 400ml of water, and boil until reduced to 100ml. Divide into two doses throughout the day.
6. Treatment for Uterine Bleeding
Take 3 dried persimmons, and a piece of fresh ginger (50g), slice both thinly, roast in a pan until dry, then grind into powder. Consume 15g with rice water twice daily.
7. Treatment for High Blood Pressure
Boil 5 dried persimmons with 400ml of water until reduced to 100ml, and drink in two doses throughout the day. Continue for 15-20 days.
8. Treatment for Cough with Phlegm
Take 3 dried persimmons, boil with 300ml of water until reduced to 100ml, then add 50ml of honey and divide into two doses throughout the day.
As persimmons are in season, each household should prepare some dried persimmons for storage. When consuming fresh persimmons, remember to save the calyx, dry it, and store it in a jar for future use.