Taking the simple quiz below will help you “verify” the notion that left-handed individuals have superior brains.
Experiment to Determine if You are Right-Handed or Left-Handed
We often hear that left-handed people are more creative. While we wait for scientists to provide solid evidence, you can personally “verify” the truth through a quiz featured in The Guardian.
Photo: Alamy.
There are 4 activities:
a) Writing a letter
b) Throwing a ball
c) Brushing your teeth
d) Eating with a spoon
Consider which of these activities you always use your left hand, often use your left hand, use both hands, often use your right hand, or always use your right hand.
If you “always use your left hand” for all 4 activities, or “always use your left hand” for 3 activities along with one “often use your left hand”, you are completely left-handed.
Conversely, if you “always use your right hand” for all 4 activities, or “always use your right hand” for 3 activities along with one “often use your right hand”, you are completely right-handed.
If neither condition applies, you are partially handed, similar to 50% of men and 34% of women.
If you are completely left-handed, you tend to have a consistent personality, sometimes a bit conservative. Compared to those who are partially handed, you are less likely to be open and listen to others’ opinions. You prefer stability over change.
If you are partially handed, you tend to have a free-spirited mindset, enjoy somewhat… “dark” and complex music, and believe in supernatural energy. This is because the flexibility of your hands corresponds with the flexibility of your brain, allowing both hemispheres to connect more closely. This is also why you may find it easier to fall asleep.