Occasional teeth grinding during sleep is not harmful, but excessive and prolonged grinding can lead to several health issues.
Almost everyone grinds their teeth occasionally while sleeping. This condition is not frequent and does not cause harm, but when teeth grinding occurs regularly, it can damage the teeth and potentially lead to other oral health complications.
Teeth grinding can be categorized into daytime and nighttime grinding, depending on whether it occurs while awake or during sleep. Daytime grinding is considered a separate condition from nighttime grinding and is often related to stress.
In contrast, nighttime grinding can be caused by various factors, making it difficult to identify the cause or devise treatment methods for an individual. However, it is clear that this behavior is more common in children than in adults, with some estimates suggesting that up to half of all children may grind their teeth while sleeping before they reach adolescence.
Causes of Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding is a common condition that occurs during sleep. (Photo: Nolensville Pediatric Dentistry).
According to the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom, teeth grinding can occur while you are awake or asleep. However, it typically happens during sleep, and individuals are often unaware that they are grinding their teeth.
Chronic headaches, persistent jaw pain upon waking, are clear symptoms of teeth grinding. Many people realize they grind their teeth because family members hear the grinding noise at night.
In addition to teeth grinding and jaw clenching, other symptoms of this condition include:
- Facial, neck, and shoulder pain.
- Jaw pain that can lead to a condition known as temporomandibular disorder (TMD).
- Worn or broken teeth, which may increase sensitivity, potentially leading to tooth loss and fillings.
- Headaches.
- Ear pain.
- Disrupted sleep.
According to WebMD, while teeth grinding can be caused by stress and anxiety, it often occurs during sleep and is more likely due to abnormal bite alignment, lost teeth, or overcrowding. This condition can also be related to sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.
Some medications, including a type of antidepressant called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can also lead to teeth grinding in patients. Additionally, teeth grinding is associated with smoking, heavy alcohol and caffeine consumption, and the use of drugs like ecstasy and cocaine.
Teeth grinding is common in children and adolescents, especially during sleep. This condition usually resolves itself by the time they reach adulthood and their adult teeth have fully emerged.
Severe teeth grinding can not only damage teeth and lead to tooth loss but can also affect your jaw, causing or worsening grinding and even altering the appearance of your face.
How to Prevent Teeth Grinding During Sleep
Unfortunately, there is no definitive cure for teeth grinding during sleep. However, there are several activities that may be helpful. For example, relaxation and stress-reduction exercises, as well as other lifestyle changes related to diet and medication.
According to Hindustan Times, Dr. Nirali Patel, a dental surgeon and oral implant specialist at Smile Craft Dental Studio (India), shares tips to help you stop grinding your teeth.
Use a Night Guard
Continuous teeth grinding can erode tooth enamel and make your teeth more susceptible to cavities. A night guard will protect your teeth. It’s best to have this device custom-fitted to ensure comfort and a snug fit with your teeth. Regularly wearing a night guard overnight is one of the best ways to combat nighttime teeth grinding.
A mouth guard is a useful tool to reduce teeth grinding during sleep. (Photo: Eagle Gate Dental).
Teeth grinding is often a result of stress or anxiety, with the stress manifesting as teeth grinding. Exercise can help alleviate that stress.
Relax Before Bedtime
Your jaw area needs to be relaxed before you sleep. Try relaxation techniques to reduce tension in your mouth, including:
- Taking a warm bath before bed to relax your jaw muscles.
- Applying a warm, wet cloth or heat pad to your jaw.
- Drinking caffeine-free herbal tea to warm your mouth.
Jaw Muscle Massage
Relax your face and massage your jaw muscles. Massaging will release the tension accumulated throughout the day.
Stop Chewing on Everything Except Food
Do you chew gum all day? Do you enjoy chewing ice while working? You should stop these repetitive movements as they can cause your jaw to grind.
Additionally, you should say goodbye to steak, popcorn, and gummy candies on days when teeth grinding flares up. These foods require a lot of chewing and will wear down your jaw.
If you know you grind your teeth or suspect that grinding might be causing pain or other symptoms, consult a dentist. They can examine the wear on your teeth to determine if you grind your teeth and provide appropriate treatment options.