Have you ever noticed athletes chewing gum during their games? Is it just a habit, or does chewing gum actually play a role in enhancing athletes’ performance?
Athlete chewing gum.
Athletes, including baseball players, basketball players, and soccer stars, often chew gum before or during competitions. When we chew, the sensors in our mouth are activated. These sensors then send electrical signals to the brain, putting it into a heightened state of alertness. This stimulation ultimately increases focus and attention.
The increased brain activity leads to enhanced energy for cognitive processes and improved blood flow to the brain. As the brain’s demand for blood rises, the heart beats faster. As a result, the simple act of chewing activates multiple sensors and accelerates our heart rate, thereby enhancing cognitive function and supplying blood to the muscles.
So does chewing gum more vigorously lead to higher levels of concentration? Essentially, yes. Similarly, flavored gum activates more receptors compared to unflavored gum and has been shown to help boost cognitive performance.
Sir Alex Ferguson chewing gum.
Chewing gum is a common practice among professional basketball and soccer players. It helps them think faster and improves their actions and reactions on the field. There is also research suggesting that chewing gum reduces stress and anxiety. This action stimulates the prefrontal cortex and activates neurons that release serotonin, a neurotransmitter known for its mood-lifting effects.
Additionally, for basketball and soccer players, running for extended periods can lead to a dry mouth due to dehydration. Chewing gum helps produce saliva, keeping the mouth moist and somewhat quenching thirst.
Despite the scientific evidence regarding the effects of gum on sports performance, it does not promote chewing gum as a miracle pill that doubles concentration; rather, it acts as a mild enhancer for the body’s capabilities. Therefore, we should not overdo it, as excessive consumption may lead to side effects such as laxative reactions from the sweeteners in gum. Also, be mindful of the choking hazard while competing.