Sadness is often a feeling we try to avoid. However, sad music can make us feel better at certain points in our lives.
Whenever we go through events like breakups, conflicts, or failures at work, a sad song plays, and we find it resonates and “hits home” much more than usual. So why do we enjoy and want to listen to sad music when we’re feeling down?
Contrary to the belief that sad music makes us feel sad or even sadder, a recent study has shown that sad music can actually elevate our spirits.
Listening to sad music has a positive impact in creating feelings of happiness.
This study, recently published in the journal PLOS ONE by the Public Library of Science, was conducted by Liila Taruffi and Stefan Koelsch from the Free University of Berlin, Germany. The researchers surveyed 722 people from around the world and concluded that listening to sad music has a positive impact in creating feelings of happiness.
“Sad music plays a role in creating happiness by providing comfort and helping to regulate negative moods and emotions,” the study concluded.
The research team discovered that people who are sad choose sad music for one of four reasons:
- 1. Connection: Listeners recognize their emotions expressed through the rhythm or meaning of the lyrics. They seek familiarity when they want to relive that sadness. Participants noted that sad melodies could help purge their negative emotions. In other words, it can help listeners reshape their feelings.
- 2. Message: Some individuals find a desire to reflect on their emotions by seeking a message they feel resonates with them. Some popular songs are celebrated for their messages that bring positivity to listeners.
- 3. Distraction: When listeners are feeling down, a sad song with “beautiful” lyrics and melody can draw their attention to the tune and words, allowing them to forget their own negativity. The findings also indicated that if listeners overuse this distraction element while listening to music, it may be a sign of avoidance or indicate a weak psychological state.
A sad song with beautiful lyrics and melody helps to forget one’s negativity.
- 4. Memory Recall: Finally, listeners often use sad music as a way to evoke past sadness, related to a person, event, or experience. However, if a listener chooses to listen to recall a past sad memory, it does not necessarily make the emotions more positive as music can in other situations. For those who have experienced a breakup or loss of something significant in life, a sad song can express their emotions at that moment and allow them to reflect on their journey through that song. Subsequently, music provides them with emotional release, helping them to cry and continue with life normally afterward.
Only about 25% of people actually feel sad after listening to sad music
A study found that when people listen to sad music, only 25% actually feel depressed. The remaining individuals reported experiencing a range of different emotions, with nostalgia being the most common. Researchers explain that nostalgia can be beneficial in many ways as it can enhance feelings of social connection, reduce anxiety, and improve self-esteem.
Being moved by sad music can indicate a high level of empathy and emotional contagion. It’s as if music serves as a bridge for empathy, allowing us to experience the emotions of others and form deeper connections.
When people listen to sad music, only 25% actually feel depressed.
Thus, when we listen to a sad song, we are not only processing our own emotions but also connecting with the collective human experience. It reminds us that while we may feel lonely, we are never truly alone in our struggles, as others face similar pain. This reflects a beautiful expression of humanity.
Embrace the full spectrum of emotions
Sometimes, listening to sad music can be a form of deep self-care. It’s like allowing oneself to feel disappointed and process those emotions instead of trying to hide or suppress them. It may not always be easy, but it is a normal part of being human.
Therefore, don’t hesitate to embrace your emotions, including the not-so-good ones, and let music guide us through it all.
Note: Be cautious with those who are stuck in depression as they often tend to want to repeat that negative cycle, becoming trapped and sinking deeper into those negative feelings. However, some individuals with depression syndrome say they are drawn to those melodies because they are soothing, relaxing, and can help them feel happier, not necessarily to indulge in negativity.