The South Korean electronics company has recently provided graphics card manufacturers with a 256 MB product capable of data transfer speeds of 2.5 Gb/s, an increase of 0.9 Gb/s compared to existing devices on the market.
Furthermore, Samsung has confirmed that it will release a model with a speed of 2.8 Gb/s by the end of this year. The company stated that the memory chip is designed using new methods: Data Bus Inversion and Multi-Preamble, which support a 56% speed increase over current technology, although detailed specifications have not been disclosed.
Since introducing GDDR 2 with a speed of 128 Mb/s in 2002, Samsung has consistently led the graphics DRAM market. They will not initiate mass production of GDDR 4 until the second quarter of next year, aiming to maintain their number one position in the latter half of 2006, a period that experts predict will see a boom in high-end graphics cards.
P.T. (according to The Register)