Sea Turtles Sighted in Hon Mun Waters (Nha Trang Bay) Indicate Positive Environmental Changes.
On the morning of October 8th, Mr. Huỳnh Bình Thái – Head of the Nha Trang Bay Management Board – reported that a sea turtle was spotted in the Hon Mun waters, captured by the dashcam of a conservation officer from the board on October 4th.
Video of a sea turtle joyfully swimming in Nha Trang Bay.
According to Mr. Thái, this is a positive sign showing that the marine environment in Nha Trang Bay is showing signs of recovery.
“Sea turtles, like koi fish, only appear in places with clean water, which is essential for reproduction and feeding. It has been many years since sea turtles have reappeared in Nha Trang Bay,” Mr. Thái stated.
Sea turtles reappear in Nha Trang Bay after many years – (Photo: Nha Trang Bay Management Board).
Mr. Thái also mentioned that sea turtles go through various habitats throughout their development, starting from sandy beaches, growing up in coral reef areas, and then drifting along ocean currents.
Therefore, the chances of sea turtles appearing in certain marine areas are rare, requiring the water quality to be clean and food sources to be available.
A sea turtle takes about 30 to 50 years to reach maturity, but only one out of every 1,000 hatchlings survives to adulthood.
The migration process lasts for months, as sea turtles feed during the day and rest on coral reefs at night.
Decline of Sea Turtles Due to Bay Reclamation According to the survey and assessment report from the Nha Trang Bay Management Board, decades ago, sea turtles frequently nested along coastal beaches and on islands. However, the number of adult sea turtles has significantly decreased due to human hunting, bay reclamation from coastal construction, and developments on islands, which have polluted water sources, reduced natural nesting areas, and caused sea turtles to return less frequently for nesting. |