Three inmates stood before a cross-eyed warden. The warden glared at inmate A and gruffly asked:
– What’s your name?
Inmate B quickly replied:
– Yes, my name is Ali.
The warden turned his furious gaze to inmate B and shouted:
– I’m not asking you!
Inmate C, terrified, shouted:
– But I didn’t say anything!

The lieutenant gathered the unit and asked:
– Before joining the army, how many of you have ever drunk alcohol?
– Everyone fell silent. After much hesitation, Private Brarin finally stepped forward.
– Good, the lieutenant said – You go drink with me. The rest of you go pull weeds.
Private First Class asked the sergeant:
– Sir, crocodiles can’t fly, right?
– Of course not, so who told you that silly thing?
– It was Colonel.
– Oh, I forgot about that. Of course, crocodiles can fly. But they fly very low, very, very low.