Extraterrestrial Life is Real and Has Contacted Humanity, Claims Former NASA Astronaut Edgar Mitchell
Edgar Mitchell, 77, the sixth man to walk on the moon during the Apollo 14 mission in 1971, made shocking claims during an interview on the popular Kerrang! radio station in the UK.
According to Mitchell, extraterrestrial beings are indeed real, but their existence has been concealed by the U.S. government for over 60 years. He stated that he is exposing a conspiracy aimed at keeping extraterrestrial life a secret.
The former NASA astronaut revealed that he was aware of numerous UFO visits to Earth during his tenure at NASA, but all incidents were covered up.
Former NASA Astronaut Edgar Mitchell.
The 77-year-old man asserts that NASA has made contact with extraterrestrials, describing them as “small beings that observe us curiously.”
According to Mitchell’s description, these extraterrestrial beings are small in stature with large eyes and heads.
He stated that the appearance of these beings aligns with what filmmakers have imagined: small bodies with large heads and eyes.
“There is no doubt that life exists throughout the universe. We are not alone. I can affirm that.”
“Can we identify where those planets are? No, certainly not within our solar system. But we can identify some planets that harbor life.”
Mitchell believes that human technology is not as advanced as that of extraterrestrials, and that humanity might not exist on Earth if the extraterrestrials were hostile. “They are not harmful and are not hostile towards humans.”
Mitchell, along with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, holds the record for the longest moonwalk at 9 hours and 17 minutes in 1971.
In the interview, he stated: “Extraterrestrials have visited Earth, and UFO phenomena are real… This has been hidden by all governments for the past 60 years, but gradually it has started to leak out.”
“I am among the officials in the military and intelligence who know the truth behind what the public is aware of; that Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials. Reading the news lately, I see that this has happened quite a bit.”
“This is just the beginning of the process of making everything public. I think we are moving towards lifting the veil of secrecy, and some serious organizations are heading in this direction.”
Mitchell holds a degree in aeronautical engineering and a doctorate in aeronautics and astronautics. He asserts that the Roswell incident, where a flying saucer reportedly “landed” on Earth in 1947, was real and that similar extraterrestrial visits will continue to be investigated.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has issued a statement disagreeing with Mitchell’s comments.
NASA officials stated that they do not monitor UFOs and are not involved in concealing the truth. A spokesperson added: “Dr. Mitchell is a great American, but we do not share his views on this matter.”