The Spiritual World: An Exploration Beyond Death
Different Perceptions of the Spiritual World
Common Understanding
Each individual’s understanding of the spiritual world differs. Those without a scientific mindset often associate the spiritual world with demons and deities. They believe that these entities can either bless or harm humans, existing in a different realm intertwined with our own. Such individuals light incense to honor their ancestors, believing that their ancestors will provide protection. This act of lighting incense is viewed as a religious expression.
Scientific Understanding
People with a scientific mindset perceive the spiritual world as fundamentally part of our living reality. They argue that there are no demons or deities. For these individuals, lighting incense for ancestors is seen as a cultural tradition to remember them, without any expectation of blessings. Their actions are regarded as cultural practices (with religion being just a part of culture).
Why Such Divergent Understandings of the Spiritual World?
Explaining Some Questions
The reason for the differing perspectives lies in the underdeveloped state of the science regarding this field, which has not yet reached a level of understanding, explanation, or broad dissemination to the public. The slow development of science in this area has its own reasons.
The material world consists of living and non-living entities. Physical phenomena such as electricity, magnetism, mechanics, and heat can be easily manipulated, contributing to the rapid advancements in science based on studying these phenomena in recent decades. People have created and transmitted radio waves, lasers, new materials, and nuclear reactions, leading to inventions like phones, computers, and spacecraft. Thus, the scientific achievements related to non-living phenomena are astonishing.
The evolution from inorganic materials to living organisms has taken millions of years under very specific conditions. Creating a single cell from chemical elements remains extraordinarily challenging and is currently unachievable. The inability to create living beings from inorganic materials or to generate conscious matter from the inorganic world may explain science’s lack of understanding of the spiritual realm. Is there an understanding of bioplasma? Where is the bioplasma’s information storage located, and how does it transmit and receive biological waves?
Scientific Interpretation
Regarding phenomena such as clairvoyance, let’s hypothesize that information experienced by individuals is stored somewhere within their bodies (the exact mechanisms of information transmission and storage remain unclear in current science) and can be accessed by individuals with special abilities known as psychics.
Because they have knowledge of past events, psychics may make predictions about the future, which people believe because they think that if past events are accurate, future predictions will also be accurate. However, in reality, no one can definitively predict what you will do tomorrow. If a psychic claims that you will go to the market tomorrow, you can simply choose not to, proving their prediction wrong. This means that psychics cannot foresee how individuals will behave in the future.
When studying Einstein’s theory of relativity, we see that causes always precede effects. If biological waves have not been transmitted, they cannot be received. This explains why psychics cannot predict the future.
How do psychics find the graves of the deceased? How should this phenomenon be explained? We can understand this through the following analogy. Fire burns thanks to fuel, and when the fuel is gone, the fire extinguishes. Fire can emit warmth (along with infrared rays), and even after the fire goes out, warmth remains for a certain period. Eventually, the warmth dissipates. When life force is present, a person is alive; when it is gone, the person is dead. Living beings can emit information (biological waves) and possess consciousness.
When a person dies, their consciousness remains (created while they were alive but not developed further), and biological waves still exist, stored in bones (or elsewhere). In the analogy, life force is like fuel; life is like fire; consciousness is like warmth, and biological waves are like infrared rays. If left too long, warmth dissipates, and similarly, the organs that store information in the form of biological waves will also eventually fade away. In studying radio waves, we know that a receiver can only pick up signals from a transmitter when both are on the same frequency. We assume that certain conditions are also necessary for sensing biological waves.
Consciousness, created while living, exists in a diminished form upon death and cannot develop further. For instance, if grandparents die and ten years later a grandchild is born, that so-called spirit of the deceased can only know what occurred during their lifetime, not events that happened subsequently or will happen in the future.
Some Conclusions
The world consists of living and non-living entities. Living entities have perception, while non-living ones do not. Living and non-living entities interact and exchange energy and matter.
There is a form of energy known as life energy, produced by living entities. When a living body dies, this life energy gradually dissipates, similar to how warmth lingers after a fire has gone out.
This life energy shares common properties with ordinary energy and can transform into one another.
All spiritual phenomena arise from the source of life energy. When a person dies, the energy gradually transforms, which leads to the conclusion that there is no immortal soul. The life energy of living individuals exceeds that of deceased individuals, meaning that in terms of life energy, the living have a greater impact on each other than the energy of the deceased has on the living.
Spirituality should be viewed as a phenomenon akin to electric fields or magnetic fields, rather than as a separate world.
The primary focus of studying electric and magnetic phenomena is non-living matter. In contrast, the study of spiritual phenomena involves living matter.
Spiritual phenomena must also adhere to the principle that causes precede effects. No psychic, spirit, or quartz crystal can access information that has yet to be released in the future.
The distinction between physical waves and life waves lies in the different mechanisms of information creation, storage, transmission, and reception.
Currently, science in this field has not advanced enough to effectively capture and process information related to life and consciousness.
The so-called spiritual world is not a realm of demons or deities; it is merely a part of the material world in which we live. More accurately, it is a material phenomenon emanating from living matter.
In summary, all worlds are part of one world; there is only one material world in which we live. Mysterious phenomena are not supernatural or divine, but rather material phenomena.
The conclusion of Marxism-Leninism remains valid: No supernatural forces influence or determine our world. The spiritual world is merely a material phenomenon produced by living entities.