MS Word: In the correspondence sent to the management board of, several users inquired about how to print documents in Word, such as: How to print 4 pages of text on one side of a sheet? How to ensure that when printing 2 pages on both sides of the paper, the left margins are the same size to avoid losing text when binding… Below, will guide you through some printing tips in MS Word.
Setting Margins for Odd and Even Pages Differently.
If your document contains many pages and you want to print 2 pages of text on both sides of the paper, setting different margins for odd and even pages will ensure that the margins of the entire document are uniform when bound. For example, set the margins as follows:
– Top: 1.5 cm
– Bottom: 1.5 cm
– Left: 2.5 cm
– Right: 1.5 cm1. Go to File / Page Setup…
2. In the Page Setup dialog box, select the Margins tab:
Check the option þ Mirror margins – Set margins for odd and even pages differently. (It’s like looking in a mirror.)
3. As a result, your text pages will have the following margins:
Page 1 has margins:
Top: 1.5 cm
Bottom: 1.5 cm
Left: 2.5 cm
Right: 1.5 cmPage 2 has margins:
Top: 1.5 cm
Bottom: 1.5 cm
Left: 1.5 cm
Right: 2.5 cm
Printing 2 Pages of Text on One Side of the Paper.
1. Go to File / Page Setup…
Check the option þ 2 pages per sheet – Print 2 pages on one sheet.
3. Then print as usual.
4. The print result will combine 2 pages on the Word screen onto one portrait sheet:
This method does not actually provide any benefit for you.
Printing 2 Pages of Text on One Sheet (Landscape Orientation & for Office 2003)
1. Go to File / Page Setup…
2. In the Page Setup dialog box, select the Margins tab:
Select Book fold
3. Then print as usual.
4. The print result will combine 2 pages on the Word screen onto one landscape sheet (You can bind it into a book as there is a gap between the 2 pages for binding):
Printing Multiple Pages of Text on One Sheet.
1. You can continue drafting your document as usual.
2. Go to File / Print (or use the shortcut Ctrl + P): Start printing the document.
3. The Print dialog box will appear:
In this dialog box, you need to choose the option under Pages per sheet – Print n pages on one sheet (n = 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16 pages). The illustration shows: Printing 4 pages on one sheet.
4. As a result, you will be able to print multiple pages on one sheet as follows:
With this method, you can print a maximum of 16 pages of text on one sheet, and of course, the font size will be reduced.