A 12-Year-Old Boy Who Has Never Cut His Hair Faces Expulsion Due to Long Locks
According to Oddity Central, Farouk James boasts an impressive mane that reaches down to his waist, earning him over 250,000 followers on Instagram alone.
However, since starting at a new school last September, he has faced pressure to cut his long hair, which exceeds the school’s dress code requirements.
Farouk James with his impressive long hair. (Photo: O.C).
Farouk’s family provided the school doctor with documentation indicating that he suffers from trichophobia — an extreme fear of having his hair cut. However, the school seems to have ignored this and continues to enforce their rules against Farouk.
“I have trichophobia and sleep disorders. I can have terrible dreams about my hair being cut. But the teachers clearly don’t believe it; they think it’s just an excuse to keep me at school,” Farouk James told Sky News Kids’ Show FYI.
Farouk’s mother, Bonnie Miller, stated that her son has braided his hair to comply with regulations, but this was deemed unacceptable and banned at the London school. For not adhering to the hair length rules, the 12-year-old has been kept back after school multiple times and could face expulsion.
“I have been kept back after school because of my long hair. The first punishment was a half-hour detention, then an hour, and it escalated to two hours. I could be suspended and ultimately expelled,” Farouk explained.
His mother mentioned that she was aware of the school’s regulations before enrolling her son but thought that Farouk could receive an exemption due to health reasons. Unfortunately, after the school year began, the principal informed her that her son would be expelled if he did not cut his hair, stating that trichophobia is not considered a recognized disorder.
“I am trying to convince my son to cut his hair because Farouk loves this school very much, and I truly appreciate the educational environment here. My child is preparing for psychological therapy to overcome this phobia; we are genuinely doing everything we can. Farouk even told me that if he has to cut his hair, his life won’t be worth living anymore. I really don’t know what to do,” Mrs. Miller said.
The school administration declined to comment on Farouk’s case, stating the need to respect confidentiality regarding student-related matters.