From reproductive purposes to entertainment and beyond, sex holds a prominent place in every culture around the world. However, the way people conceptualize sex across different cultures, as well as the sexual norms and ethics, varies significantly.
Hidatsa Women. (Illustration Photo Alamy).
In certain cultures, sexual relations are entirely accepted when a man has sex with his friend’s wife, particularly if that woman is pregnant. Among the Hidatsa Tribe in North Dakota, USA, when a woman is in the late stages of pregnancy, her husband is permitted to have sexual relations with her sister or younger sister.
While most modern cultures adhere to monogamy, some cultures still practice polygamy, allowing men to have multiple wives at the same time, and sometimes their marital relationships are conducted in very creative ways.
This list of unusual sexual practices from around the world, spanning from ancient times to the present day, includes examples from Africa, Australia, India, Egypt, and the Himalayas.
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