Red bananas, pink bananas, striped bananas, blue bananas… are listed among the most unusual banana varieties in the world, featuring shapes and colors that are anything but ordinary.
Pink Banana
This variety might rightfully earn the title of “the more beautiful, the more dangerous”, as its vibrant, “alluring” appearance with enchanting pinkish-purple hues belies its bitter taste that is “unappealing to most”. For this reason, pink bananas are primarily cultivated for ornamental purposes.
Musa Ingens Banana
Known as the largest banana variety in the world, the Musa Ingens is native to Papua New Guinea. This extraordinary banana is not the result of genetic mutation or growth-enhancing substances. The giant Musa Ingens can naturally reach heights of up to 18 meters, with a trunk circumference of up to 2 meters, resembling a towering tree. The ripe bananas are approximately 18 cm long and about 5-6 cm wide.
Black Banana
At first glance, black bananas might be mistaken for overripe yellow bananas, but in reality, they are a type of banana with black skin. Many believe that black bananas are an incredibly healthy food choice.
Ae Ae Banana
If Ae Ae bananas did not grow in clusters, many people would likely mistake them for striped melons due to their similar appearance. Even the leaves of this banana plant have unique white and green streaks that are “one of a kind.” Due to its difficulty in thriving in various environments and its slightly bitter taste, Ae Ae bananas are categorized as “rare and hard to find” within the banana family.
Blue Banana
The blue hue of this banana variety evokes thoughts of the iconic blockbuster Avatar. Many assume it to be a product of Photoshop, but if it were real, it would undoubtedly be in high demand.
Orange Peel Banana
With an eye-catching orange peel, this banana still tastes like a regular yellow banana, and does not have any orange flavor.
Chinese Dwarf Banana
The Chinese Dwarf Banana (Musella lasiocarpa) belongs to the banana family (Musaceae), standing at 60 cm tall, and is native to the mountainous regions of China. This plant features a large cluster of yellow flowers that can last for several months. They are now found in gardens worldwide but are no longer documented in the wild.
Fan Palm Banana
The Fan Palm Banana (Ravenala madagascariensis) belongs to the fan palm family (Strelitziaceae), reaching a height of 15 meters, and is native to the sparse forests of Madagascar. With its leaves arranged like a fan, it is a globally favored ornamental plant. In its natural habitat, this plant is pollinated by lemurs.