Tag: ant

surprised by the photo of the ant face 123711

Surprised by the close-up photo of an ant

The image that has caused some internet users to exclaim "creepy" is actually a highly magnified close-up of an ant, which won an award in a famous photography competition. The ...

explore the life of the ant species 23601

Exploring the Life of Ants Through Photos

There are approximately 10,000 species of ants living around the world, forming communities that work diligently with a high level of discipline. Ants belong to the order Hymenoptera and the ...

masterpieces of photos of ants that will amaze you 72528

Masterpiece Photos of Ants That Will Astonish You

Russian photographer Andrey Pavlov has dedicated countless hours to capturing incredibly unique photographs of ants.Recognizing that these insects move along a specific path while foraging, Pavlov set up his props ...

why ants need people 135449

Video: Why Do Ants Bite Humans?

Ants can cause uncomfortable bites for humans due to mistaking them for food or for self-defense.Tips for Treating Ant BitesWhen bitten by ants, especially venomous species, we often swat, brush ...