Tag: atmosphere

bau troi

Why is the sky blue?

Everyone knows that the sky is blue, but not everyone understands why the sky appears blue. Why is the sky often blue rather than another color? Above the Earth's surface ...

toxic waste threatens seriously public health rights 138045

Satellite debris seriously threatens the atmosphere

Hundreds of defunct satellites fall through the Earth's atmosphere every year, and this number is skyrocketing.The space race is intensifying with the massive launch of satellite "constellations" aimed at providing ...

the legendary dogs in world history 47033

The “Legendary” Dogs in World History

The history of humanity honors not only great leaders but also the "great dogs."Ivan Pavlov's "Conditioned Reflex" DogIvan Petrovich Pavlov (1849 – 1936) was a renowned Russian physiologist, psychologist, and ...

what is the true color of the sun 96620

What Is the True Color of the Sun?

Have you ever thought that the Sun is actually green? This is partly true. It's not just your eyes playing tricks on you; the Sun also emits yellow, blue, and ...