Tag: dinosaur

top 8 largest dinosaurs in earths prehistory 132869

Top 8 Largest Dinosaurs on Earth in Prehistoric Times

The enormous size of these dinosaurs will astound you.The Largest Dinosaurs That Ever Existed1. Dreadnoughtus2. Patagotitan mayorum, the Titanosaur3. Argentinosaurus4. Saltasaurus5. Rapetosaurus krausei6. Austroposeidon magnificus7. Paralititan stromeri 8. Shingopana songwensisIn ...


China: Discovery of the Furriest Dinosaur

Chinese archaeologists recently discovered the earliest feathered dinosaur in the western part of Liaoning Province, named the Kongzi Tianwu Dinosaur. Its feathers may not have been used for flight or ...

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