Tag: elderly

discover the secrets of long life from centenarians 131013

Discovering the Secrets to Longevity of Centenarians

Recently, a research team at the University of Madrid discovered specific personality traits commonly found in centenarians.Illustrative image: CCOAccording to Sputnik (Russia), the new study was conducted on approximately 14,000 ...

new mobility solutions for elderly people in japan 136535

New Mobility Solutions for the Elderly in Japan

Mobility challenges are one of the significant issues faced by the elderly. To assist them in maintaining independence and confidence while moving around, the Japanese startup Whill has launched the ...

why people in gia lai are getting shorter 109418

Why do elderly people become shorter?

If you are a teenager, there is nothing to worry about. Up until around the age of 30, you will continue to grow taller.However, after that, most people start to ...