Tag: mating

the ones who run the 28917

The “Escaping” Partners

Sexual conflict is a phenomenon that exists not only in humans. Scientists at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) have recently discovered a species of female snail that attempts to conceal ...

the love story of the green buddha 26939

The Love Story of the Forest Lord

Like all species, "love" is also a way for tigers to sustain their lineage. However, the mating behavior of this lord of the jungle is quite unique.Tigers only seek companionship ...

dom dom phat sang de lam gi 5714 translates to what to do with the sunshine 5714 in english

Why Do Fireflies Glow?

According to Professor Sara Lewis from Tufts University, Boston (USA), the glowing fireflies seen on summer nights may just be a form of display, similar to the brilliant tails of ...

hello new man returning to coordination activities 136292

Revealing Clues About Ancient Mating Activities

The Oldest Penis in the World Belongs to a Preserved Crustacean Found in Volcanic Ash 425 Million Years Ago, Revealing a Close Relationship Between Mating and Breathing in This Species.In ...