Tag: means of transportation

self driving car will choose who to avoid 77770

Who Will Self-Driving Cars Choose to Hit or Avoid?

Self-driving cars are an inevitable trend in modern automobiles. Within the next 10 years, self-driving vehicles will be "everywhere" on the streets. A pressing question regarding self-driving cars is: if ...

history of bicycle development 50226

The History of Bicycle Development

Bicycles have a long history of development, and in light of rising fuel costs, people are turning back to bicycles as a solution that is both economical and environmentally friendly, ...

new mobility solutions for elderly people in japan 136535

New Mobility Solutions for the Elderly in Japan

Mobility challenges are one of the significant issues faced by the elderly. To assist them in maintaining independence and confidence while moving around, the Japanese startup Whill has launched the ...

the development of technology over time 58372

The Development of Technology Over Time

200 years ago, who could have imagined that we could communicate directly with someone halfway around the world? Who could envision what a camera would look like? All of this ...