Tag: new moon

explore the phases of the moon cycle 73715

Exploring the Phases of the Moon Cycle

The phases of the Moon change cyclically, depending on the angle of sunlight shining on the Moon and the observer's position on Earth.The Moon's cycle consists of 8 phases, created ...

super white is what vietnam will welcome super white at what time 89215

What is a Supermoon?

In addition to the phenomenon of the Supermoon, where the Moon appears larger and brighter than usual, there are many other special phenomena that cause changes in the size, brightness, ...

unexpected discovery of another new moon in the solar system 81302

Unexpectedly discovering a new moon in the Solar System

Scientists Announce Discovery of a New Moon in Our Solar SystemAccording to ScienceWorldReport, NASA/ESA's Hubble Space Telescope has discovered and confirmed a new moon orbiting the third-largest known dwarf planet, ...

european space agency discovers 352 new moons

European spacecraft discovers 352 new moons

The moons recently captured by the European Space Agency's (ESA) Gaia spacecraft are incredibly elusive satellites of asteroids.The Gaia spacecraft is a powerful space observatory tasked with mapping the Milky ...