Tag: red giant star

discovery of 2 super earths near earth 136104

Discovery of 2 “Super Earths” Near Earth

Using the TESS satellite from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), an international team of astronomers has discovered two "super-Earths" orbiting nearby red dwarf stars in our solar neighborhood. ...

nasa mit announces about the world of unbelievable humans 129596

NASA-MIT Announces “Incredible Giant World”

The "Exoplanet Hunter" TESS from NASA has discovered two extraordinary worlds in the constellation Draco, one of which is the longest confirmed orbiting exoplanet ever found.According to SciTech Daily, this ...

the appearance of 8 mysterious worlds in the universe 135168

Revealing the “8 Buried Worlds” of the Universe

Two Powerful Observatories Join Forces to Discover 8 Celestial Objects Hidden by Brighter CompanionsBy combining the capabilities of the GRAVITY instrument from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) mounted on the ...