Tag: shrimp

the relationship between two sides has benefits 27271

Mutually Beneficial Relationships

A relationship between two entities (animals, plants, humans, etc.) can only be sustained in the long term if both parties benefit. If a relationship only provides benefits to one side, ...

terrifying weapon of shrimp 46626

Decoding the Fearsome Weapon of the Mantis Shrimp

With its hard, large claws and lightning-fast striking ability, the Mantis Shrimp is a formidable predator in the ocean.Dubbed the "ocean killer," the tiny Peacock Mantis Shrimp possesses a "weapon" ...

the map of the non ra nhim surprises scientists 134813

Tiger shark vomits hedgehog, surprising scientists

A hedgehog likely swam between two islands in Queensland and was unfortunately bitten by a tiger shark.A team of scientists from James Cook University, including PhD student Nicolas Lubitz, encountered ...