Tag: sunlight

why does the machine have many colors 611

Why do clouds have many colors?

Clouds in the sky are mostly white with a hint of gray, but sometimes there are clouds in various colors such as black, pink, purple, yellow, and red. The colors ...

20 interesting facts about light you may not know 59466

20 Interesting Facts About Light You May Not Know

Welcome to this enlightening year! The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (PI) has compiled twenty fascinating facts about light that they believe are the most interesting. Let's dive in!1. When ...

explain the phenomenon of the moonbow 75727

Explaining the phenomenon of white rainbows

A rainbow is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena that we can easily observe after heavy rain during the day.The phenomenon of a rainbow is essentially the dispersion of ...

why the sky turns red at sunset 56585

Why Does the Sky Turn Red at Sunset?

The sunset sky turns red and orange due to the phenomenon of light scattering in the atmosphere.>>> Why are there "moon halos" and "moon rays"?The Earth's atmosphere contains many tiny particles ...