Tag: sweet potato

china researches sweet potato resistant to weather 138177

China researches weather-resistant potatoes

Grown under conditions simulating predicted higher temperatures by the end of the century, potatoes are a concerning indicator of future food security. Weighing 136 grams, this potato is less than ...

processing corn starch from sweet potato 17551

Cassava Starch Processing from Cassava Tubers

Cassava starch (or tapioca starch) is a fine white starch product extracted 100% from fresh cassava root. Below is the process of producing cassava starch from cassava roots, and we ...

different types of popular potatoes in vietnam 137501

Distinguishing Common Types of Potatoes in Vietnam

Sweet potatoes are an important staple food, each type having unique characteristics and flavors that suit various recipes and tastes. This variety not only enriches Vietnamese cuisine but also diversifies ...

two health benefits of eating potatoes the right way 74822

Harming Health by Eating Potatoes the Wrong Way

Eating potatoes with chicken eggs, consuming sprouted potatoes, or simply enjoying crispy fried potatoes are common mistakes many people make when it comes to eating potatoes.Things to Know When Eating ...

practical benefits of potatoes 50949

The Practical Benefits of Potatoes

Potatoes are very soft and easy to digest, soothing the intestines and digestive system. They can also heal external inflammation when rubbed on the affected area.Nutritional Benefits of PotatoesRich in ...

why are there some sweet potatoes that are sunk or are 104932

Why are some sweet potatoes hollow or hard?

When we eat boiled sweet potatoes, we might feel disappointed because peeling the potatoes can result in cutting off large pieces, leaving little to eat and sometimes a bitter taste. ...

why you should eat sweet potatoes 55772

Why You Should Eat Sweet Potatoes?

If you are not a fan of sweet potatoes yet, explore the amazing benefits below; you might change your mind and eat them more often.Benefits of Eating Sweet PotatoesSweet Potatoes ...