Growing water spinach at home or in foam boxes is a method many families in the city are adopting. The technique for cultivating clean water spinach in foam boxes and caring for it at home is quite simple.
How to Grow Water Spinach in Foam Boxes
Water spinach is a plant that has a long-standing relationship with the Vietnamese people, especially those in the North. Nowadays, people can grow their own vegetables using various methods, as the cultivation technique for water spinach is not overly complicated.
Water spinach (scientific name: Ipomoea aquatica) is a tropical plant with simple cultivation techniques, belonging to the family Convolvulaceae, and is a type of leafy vegetable. The benefits of water spinach include treating diabetes and applying it to ulcers caused by shingles.
The tools needed to grow water spinach in foam boxes include: foam trays, treated coconut coir, nutrient-rich soil, and water spinach seeds.
Each type of vegetable has its ideal planting time. While winter is the “golden period” for various greens, summer is the best time to grow water spinach. The dry and hot weather of summer is perfect for growing water spinach at home, making it simple to have fresh vegetables for the family to enjoy with every meal.
Guide to Growing Water Spinach at Home
Water spinach seeds germinate relatively easily, so growers can sow them directly into the foam box without pre-soaking them in warm water. However, the germination rate will only reach about 50-60%, and the germination time will be longer.
The technique for growing water spinach is quite simple
How to Soak Seeds
Soak water spinach seeds in warm water using a ratio of 2 parts boiling water to 3 parts cold water; soak the seeds in this mixture for 3 to 6 hours, then remove and wrap them in a damp paper towel for an additional 6 to 10 hours. After that, growers should let the seeds dry and prepare the growing medium.
Growing Medium
The growing medium consists of treated coconut coir and nutrient-rich soil. Growers should mix this combination in the foam tray at the ratio of 2 kg of treated coconut coir to 2 kg of nutrient-rich soil, filling the mixture to the top of the tray. After that, those growing water spinach in foam boxes can use a spray bottle to ensure the soil remains moist.
People can grow water spinach for their families by applying the correct cultivation techniques
How to Sow Seeds
Scatter the seeds in rows spaced 10 cm apart and 15 cm between rows. Growers can water the seeds in the foam box using a spray bottle with a fine mist, covering the seeds with black mesh or paper to retain moisture, and keeping the tray in a shaded area, watering enough twice a day.
Care Instructions
When the seedlings have 2 to 3 pairs of leaves, they can be placed in sunlight. During the rainy season, the plants only need sufficient watering; in dry seasons, they should be watered twice a day, in the early morning and late afternoon.
Additionally, fertilizing is essential for growing water spinach. Inorganic fertilizers with high nitrogen content help water spinach grow quickly and produce more leaves. Super phosphate helps the roots develop better.
First Fertilization should occur after the water spinach has 2 to 3 pairs of leaves. The caregiver should mix 8 to 10 grams of urea fertilizer and 10 grams of super phosphate (2 full teaspoons) with 4 liters of water and evenly water the water spinach in the evening. The next morning, it should be flushed with water.
An open space outside the window is an ideal location for growing vegetables indoors
After the first fertilization, the plants need to be alternately sprayed with foliar fertilizers such as vitamin B1, seaweed, Atonik, or other root-promoting fertilizers to enhance resistance to pests.
Second Fertilization should occur 10 to 15 days after the first. The grower should prepare a solution of 8 to 10 grams of NPK or DAP fertilizer mixed with 4 liters of water, watering evenly on the stems and leaves of the water spinach in the evening and flushing it again the next morning.
After harvesting, water spinach should be cut at the base, leaving about 2 to 3 cm for new shoots to emerge. After 7 to 10 days, the plants should be fertilized to promote root and shoot growth to encourage new leaf growth. The grower can then continue fertilizing as in the first and second applications.
When water spinach has 3 to 4 pairs of leaves, they often show signs of discoloration and yellowing due to nitrogen deficiency and sensitivity of the root system to the growing medium. Therefore, the first fertilization will help remedy this issue.
Boiled water spinach and eggplant with fermented soybean sauce are two traditional dishes of the Vietnamese people.
Note: Growers should use a spray bottle or a hose with a gentle stream to avoid strong pressure that can damage the leaves. During heavy rain, plants should have shade to prevent rainwater from rotting the leaves. Additionally, it is important to stop fertilizing 7 to 10 days before harvesting to ensure food safety.
Growing Water Spinach from Cuttings
If you are growing water spinach by cuttings, just prepare stems of water spinach about 20 cm long, ensuring they are mature and have roots, taking care to prepare loose soil. Create raised beds for the soil and plant the stems in a straight line, burying them 3 to 4 nodes deep, with a spacing of about 10 cm between plants, compacting the base. After planting, place them in a shady location or cover them to provide shade for the plants. Just water the water spinach adequately each day, and you will soon be ready for harvest.
Methods for Harvesting Water Spinach
First Harvesting Time: After 40 to 50 days of sowing, growers can cut the first batch of water spinach or when it reaches a height of about 35 to 40 cm. The second harvesting time is after the first harvest and an additional 20 to 25 days of fertilization.
Under good care and sufficient nutrition, growers can harvest water spinach a maximum of 5 to 6 times. After harvesting, the soil should be treated with agricultural lime or beneficial microorganisms like EM or Trichoderma for processing. Additionally, the soil should be tilled and left for 2 to 3 days, then mixed with some nutrient-rich soil to reuse.