On a transoceanic flight caught in the midst of a terrible storm, the airplane shook violently under the wrath of rain, wind, and thunder. Passengers screamed, convinced that the plane would crash to the ground and they would all perish.
At the height of the storm, a young woman stood up and shouted, “I can’t take it anymore! I can’t sit here and die like an animal, strapped to this seat. If I am to die, let me die as a woman. Who here has enough courage to grant me that?”
The woman noticed a hand raised, and a burly man began to make his way toward her. As he approached, he ripped off his shirt. The man held the shirt in his hand and said, “I can make you feel like a woman before you die; are you interested?”
The woman eagerly nodded.
The man then handed her the shirt and said, “Put this on immediately.”