Cats: Mysterious Creatures with Fascinating Traits
1. Remarkable Navigation Skills
Cats possess an incredible ability to navigate their way home even without closely observing their route. They can find their way back to their “old home” effortlessly!
Cats can find their way home without needing to see the path.
Cats can perceive a surface covered by an energy network emitted by the Earth’s magnetic fields. This magnetic field resembles a complex carpet with intricate patterns. Some psychics believe that this network is organized like a beehive.
Others think that the Earth’s surface is divided into squares, and there may also be parallel lines crossing neighboring areas. Zoologists believe that creatures like frogs, lizards, dolphins, and certainly cats exhibit excellent self-navigation abilities aided by this network.
In the past, people were often skeptical of newspaper reports stating that cats could return home even after being taken hundreds of kilometers away! For instance, a cat named Sugar in California escaped from its owner’s car during a trip and went missing; however, a year later, Sugar found its way back home over a distance of 2,400 kilometers!
In another case, a black cat named Suti moved with its owner to a new house but decided to return to its old home after five months and a journey of over 150 kilometers. Miraculously, Suti arrived at its “homecoming”.
Today, scientists have made significant advancements in studying and uncovering the mysteries of the feline world. Cats possess excellent visual memory, but they primarily use this ability for short distances within their living areas.
When visual memory fails, cats rely on the magnetic network on the Earth’s surface. Interestingly, they do not need to see the path to remember it when leaving home. A cat can easily remember its route even if confined in a bag while traveling far from home.
2. Climbing and Falling
Most cat breeds enjoy climbing or sitting in high places.
Most cats love to climb or perch in high spots. Animal behavior researchers have suggested several explanations for this phenomenon, the most common being that “height offers cats a better vantage point. From high positions, they can monitor their territory and observe the activities of humans and other animals. In the wild, high spots also serve as hiding places for hunting.” Thus, being elevated can provide cats with a sense of safety and dominance.
When falling, cats can utilize their sharp balance sense and reflexes to adjust their bodies to a suitable position. This ability is known as “righting reflex.” It allows them to adjust their body balance in a way that gives them enough time to execute this reflex when falling. Consequently, falls from great heights (multiple stories) are less dangerous than falls from just a few meters. Many cases have been recorded where cats survived falls from heights of 5 to 10 stories unharmed. Some breeds without tails lack this balancing ability because cats use their tails and momentum to stabilize before landing.
3. Acute Senses
Cats’ pupils can change size up to three times a day to adapt to light changes.
Numerous studies conducted by scientists have focused on the general senses of cats, such as their eyes and whiskers.
Cats possess fascinating eye characteristics that far exceed human vision. Their pupils can change size up to three times a day to adapt to varying light conditions. In bright light, a cat’s pupils narrow to a thin line. In the morning, they open slightly larger, but in complete darkness, their pupils can expand fully, enabling them to see clearly at night.
Additionally, some other senses are well-developed in cats. Their whiskers act as balance aids and help them navigate around obstacles easily. The fur on their bodies contains elements that, when exposed to sunlight (as cats enjoy basking), produce vitamin D. Cats often lick their fur to supplement their vitamin D intake…
Cats are highly sensitive to changes in weather, climate, and subtle environmental impacts. During certain times, such as full moons, cats tend to exhibit unusual behavior.
They become more aggressive and often readily attack anything around them. In the United States, Japan, and several other countries, police forces often increase patrols during full moon nights to prevent potential attacks by stray cats.
Moreover, these adorable creatures possess an exceptional ability to sense danger that remains largely unexplained; thus, sometimes cats can save human lives.
For instance, Li Shuhua, living in Fulin City (China), was startled awake at 4 AM by the growling sounds of her cat: it jumped from the front door to the window, scratching at the door and curtain.
Before long, the whole family had to wake up due to the cat’s cries. The cat suddenly lunged and scratched the owner’s nephew. It then turned and attacked the owner’s wife, forcing her to retreat in fear. At that moment, Li Shuhua heard cracking sounds from the ceiling and walls—the two-story house collapsed just seconds after the cat and family had escaped outside!
Cats can perceive pressure that occurs in various structural forms, similar to how humans can see fabric stretching thin before it tears apart. It is certain that cats may have a “sixth sense” for earthquakes and other natural disasters. Many cat owners have noticed their pets acting restless before an earthquake occurs. Not only cats but also other animals—like dogs, horses, and goats—can also “predict” earthquakes. Therefore, humans can pay attention to certain animal behaviors to anticipate impending disasters. Cats sense earthquakes through the magnetic field covering the Earth’s surface, which thins out as the Earth’s crust stretches before a quake. In such cases, cats will move their young to safer areas.
4. Independent Living
A cat can live independently without relying on human care.
With their climbing, hiding, and hunting abilities, cats can live independently without relying on human care more than other animals like dogs or pigs.
Moreover, some cats, even when cared for well, may still run away to live a free life, becoming feral…
Cats have been companions to humans for a long time, yet they still hold many mysteries. There are instances where cats have predicted death or danger for their owners…
Thus, to learn more, you can adopt a cat in your family. Additionally, seeing a cat or images of cats can provide a sense of peace and relief…