The animal kingdom is a vibrant world filled with fascinating wonders. No one can claim to fully understand every species that exists on our planet. Countless studies and surveys have provided us with intriguing insights into various animal species.
Did you know that hippo milk is pink? Photo:
1. Hippo milk is pink.
2. Even a small amount of alcohol poured on a scorpion will drive it insane, causing it to sting itself to death.
3. Crocodiles cannot stick out their tongues.
4. The oldest known animal in the world was a clam that lived to be 405 years old, discovered in 2007.
5. Sharks, like other fish, have their reproductive organs located in their thorax.
6. Octopuses have no blind spots in their eyes. On average, an octopus’s brain contains 300 million nerve cells. Under extreme stress, some octopuses even eat their own arms.
7. An elephant’s brain weighs about 6,000 grams, while a cat’s brain only weighs around 30 grams.
8. Cats and dogs can hear ultrasonic sounds.
Kittens sleep a lot to release growth hormones. (Photo: WordPress).
9. A cat rubbing against a human’s body is not just a sign of affection but also a way to mark its territory with scent glands located around its face. The tail and paws also carry the cat’s scent. According to scientists, cats sleep about two-thirds of the day. Additionally, one reason kittens sleep so much is that a growth hormone is only released during sleep.
10. Sheep can survive for up to two weeks when buried in snow.
11. The smartest pig in the world belongs to a math teacher in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. It can memorize multiplication tables up to 12.
12. Cats have a poor sense of taste. They only have 473 taste buds (the small dots on their tongues that detect different flavors), while humans have 9,000.
13. Statistics show that each mating session of a rattlesnake lasts up to… over 22 hours.
14. Studies have found that flies are deaf.
15. The orgasm phase of a pig lasts for 30 minutes.
16. In a state of dehydration, kangaroos can endure longer than camels.
Dogs have 5 toes on their front legs. (Photo: WordPress).
17. Dogs have 4 toes on their hind legs and 5 toes on each of their front legs.
18. The average flying speed of honeybees is 24 km/h. They never sleep.
19. Cockroaches can live for up to 9 days after being decapitated.
20. If you keep a goldfish in the dark for an extended period, it will eventually turn white.
21. The flying record for a chicken is 13 seconds.
22. The deadliest animal to humans worldwide is the mosquito.
23. Ants have two stomachs: one for digesting food and the other for storing food to share with other ants. According to scientists, the average lifespan of an ant is 45 – 60 days.
24. The quack of a duck does not echo, and no one knows why.
25. Starfish have no brain. They are also among the few animals that can invert their stomachs from the inside out.
26. Termites work 24 hours a day and do not sleep. Studies have also found that termites chew wood twice as fast when listening to heavy metal music.
Newborn giraffes usually fall from a height of 1.8 meters at birth. (Photo: Getty Images).
27. When a newborn giraffe is born, it falls from a height of 1.8 meters and typically suffers no injuries.
28. A tiger’s fur is not only striped; its skin is also striped.
29. Vultures can fly without flapping their wings.
30. Turkeys can reproduce without mating.
31. Penguins are the only birds that can swim but cannot fly. No penguins have been found in the Arctic.
32. Iceland, Antarctica, and Greenland are the only places in the world without ants.
33. The venom of a king cobra is so potent that just one gram can kill 150 people.
34. The venom of a small scorpion is much more dangerous than that of a large scorpion.
35. The length of a clam’s penis can be up to 20 times its body size!
36. A mouse’s heart beats 650 times per minute.
37. Fleas can jump over 350 times their body length. If humans had that ability, they would be able to jump the length of a football field in one leap.
38. The fingerprints of koalas are nearly indistinguishable from human fingerprints, making them capable of causing confusion at a crime scene.
Female pigeons cannot lay eggs without seeing another pigeon.
(Photo: CTV)
39. Female pigeons cannot lay eggs if they are alone. To activate their ovaries, female pigeons must see another pigeon.
40. The faster kangaroos hop, the less energy they expend.
41. Elephants are among the few mammals that cannot jump! It has also been discovered that elephants can remain standing after they die.
50. Ticks, a type of fly found in Africa, spend 17 years of their lives sleeping and are only awake for two weeks during mating before dying.
51. Spiders have transparent blood.
52. Some lions mate more than 50 times a day.
53. Snails breathe through their feet.
54. Mice reproduce so quickly that in just 18 months, a pair can produce up to 1 million descendants.
55. A type of cicada found in Africa spends 17 years of its life sleeping, waking only for a few weeks during mating before dying.
56. Hedgehogs float on water.
57. Capybaras are social animals that can play closely with many other species, such as dogs, cats, pigs, chickens, turtles, and even camels.
58. Alex was the first African Grey parrot in the world to question its own existence: “What color am I?”.
59. The sloth’s hand operates differently from a human’s: to extend its hand, it has to exert force because it is naturally clenched, which is why sloths never fall from trees.
60. Seagulls know how to perform the “rain dance” to lure insects and worms out of the ground.
61. The aardvark has a burrowing habit and unintentionally becomes a shelter for many wildlife during forest fires.
62. Mangalitsa is the only breed of pig in the world with thick, warm fur, resembling that of a sheep.
63. The reason flamingos are pink is that they can absorb pigments from the shrimp and crustaceans they eat daily.