Below are impressive images of nebulae – masterpieces in the universe that depict the beauty of a star’s death.
Helix Nebula: The image of the Helix Nebula, also known as the Eye of God, captured by the Hubble Space Telescope, is one of the most famous photographs in the history of astronomy. The Helix Nebula is one of the closest nebulae to Earth that can be seen with the naked eye, located in the constellation Aquarius.
Apple Core Nebula: Also known as the Dumbbell Nebula, this is the first planetary nebula to be discovered. The Apple Core Nebula is located in the constellation Lyra, approximately 1,360 light-years away, and was discovered by Charles Messier in 1764.
Clown Faced Nebula: This nebula is also known as the Lion Nebula due to its resemblance to a lion’s mane. It is located in the constellation Gemini, with gas filaments stretching over 1 light-year.
Cone Nebula: Discovered by the British astronomer William Herschel in 1785, this nebula is located in the constellation Monoceros and features a group of faint and distant stars positioned along the celestial equator.
Lagoon Nebula: Situated in the constellation Sagittarius, this nebula is a massive cloud of gas and star dust located 6,000 light-years from Earth. Its size and brightness make it one of the few nebulae that can be seen with the naked eye, although it appears somewhat dim and can only be observed from certain locations on Earth.
Lemon Slice Nebula: Located in the constellation Leo Minor, the Lemon Slice Nebula is a relatively young and small nebula.
Little Ghost Nebula: The ghostly NGC 6369 nebula appears faintly in the night sky and is commonly known as the Little Ghost Nebula. It was discovered in the 18th century by astronomer William Herschel while he was exploring the constellation Ophiuchus.
Spaghetti Nebula: The Spaghetti Nebula is located between the constellations Taurus and Auriga. It is what remains visible from a long-ago supernova explosion.
Jellyfish Nebula: The Jellyfish Nebula is located in the constellation Gemini, approximately 5,000 light-years from Earth. This supernova explosion is believed to have occurred around 30,000 years ago.
Jewel Bug Nebula: This is the most studied nebula in the universe to date. Not only is it one of the youngest nebulae ever discovered, estimated to be around 600 years old, but it also has an incredibly small and dense size with a complex composition.
NGC-2022: This unnamed planetary nebula is located in the constellation Lepus, near the celestial equator. NGC-2022 is a distant nebula, approximately 9,000 light-years away from Earth.
Snowball Nebula: Located in the constellation Virgo, the Snowball Nebula is a common nebula that can be easily observed through standard telescopes.
Keyhole Nebula: One of the nebulae located within the Carina Nebula is the Keyhole Nebula.
Veil Nebula: Situated in the constellation Cygnus, this nebula is the result of a massive supernova explosion that occurred 30,000 years ago.
Engraved Hourglass Nebula: This young planetary nebula is located in the constellation Musca in the Southern Hemisphere and was discovered in the 1990s. It is considered one of the most beautiful nebulae in the night sky.