As one of the most prominent groups of ancient birds that inhabit nearly every land area around the globe, kingfishers in Vietnam showcase a multitude of species with vibrant plumage.
There are approximately 90 species of kingfishers worldwide, with 12 species identified in Vietnam. Among them is the mysterious **Alcedo hercules**, depicted in the Red Book. They inhabit Lai Châu, Lào Cai, Hà Tĩnh, and Gia Lai. The upper body of the adult bird features a light brownish-black color (with pale green feathers), and the back has shimmering sky-blue feathers. There are white streaks on the sides of the neck, while the cheeks and ears are a light black with green streaks. (Photo: Lê Khắc Quyết)
The **Halcyon capensis**, photographed in the Ba Lụa archipelago, Kiên Giang, is a very rare species. They reside in forests along riverbanks and streams, at altitudes of up to 1,200 meters. Additionally, they can be found in lowland areas near ponds, coastal river mouths, and wetlands. In Vietnam, this species is distributed in Quảng Trị, Thừa Thiên – Huế, Quảng Nam, Đà Nẵng, Gia Lai, Kom Tum, Đồng Nai, and Tây Ninh. (Photo: Phùng Bá Thịnh)
The **Halcyon smyrnensis**, captured in Vũng Tàu, is a kingfisher that rarely eats fish; instead, it often forages in open areas. Snakes, mice, and insects are its favorite foods. In Vietnam, this species can be found throughout regions from the lowlands to mountainous areas, generally at elevations below 1,000 meters. (Photo: Nguyễn Hào Quang)
The **Alcedo meninting** was discovered during a biodiversity survey of bird species in the Núi Ông Nature Reserve. (Photo: Nguyễn Hào Quang)
The **Ceyx erithacus** – a representative of the kingfisher group that primarily feeds on insects and resides in the understory of dense forests. They were discovered near the Vietnam-Cambodia border in Bình Phước province. (Photo: Nguyễn Hào Quang)
The **Alcedo athis** is the only kingfisher species that is widespread globally and is also the most common species in Vietnam. (Photo: Nguyễn Hào Quang)
The **Halcyon pileata** – a rare kingfisher species found in mangrove forests in Vietnam. (Photo: Mikhail)
The **Ceryle lugubris** is a kingfisher that inhabits mangrove forests in Vietnam. They nest along riverbanks, streams, and in caves. This species is found near rivers and lakes in mountainous and midland areas with dense vegetation. In Vietnam, they can be seen in Cao Bằng, Lai Châu, Bắc Thái, Lạng Sơn, Nam Hòa Bình, Nghệ An, and Hà Tĩnh. (Photo: Arun P. Singh)
The **Halcyon chloris** is a kingfisher species that resides in mangrove forests in Vietnam. This species can be found from the Hải Vân Pass into southern provinces such as Trà Vinh and An Giang. (Photo: Phùng Mỹ Trung)