According to the Russian newspaper Pravda, traditional medicine experts state that human health is influenced by the amount of metal they wear.
Individuals who are often “sunny in the morning and rainy in the afternoon” or frequently experience psychological disorders should be aware that wearing metallic jewelry incorrectly or for extended periods can exacerbate these symptoms.
The general characteristics of metals, typically gold and silver, can disrupt the informational structures of humans. Therefore, to achieve effective acupuncture, many acupuncturists use two sets of needles made from gold and silver. The gold needles are used to combat infections in surgical areas, whereas the silver needles help reduce or contain infections within an organ. In cases where certain organs are too weak to function normally, acupuncturists will use gold needles to stimulate the energy flow of that organ.
The remarkable properties of gold explain why people choose this metal for wedding rings. Gold rings activate energy flow to the reproductive system. Additionally, doctors have noted that some healthy women experience infertility due to wearing too many rings. In conclusion, experts recommend wearing gold jewelry if you are feeling depressed and silver jewelry for those who are hot-tempered.
T.M (Pravda)