Our planet is full of fascinating things that humans want to explore.
We seek to understand everything that is the best, most valuable, highest, deepest, largest, smallest, and fastest, with speed being a criteria that captivates many.
While everyone knows that light travels at the fastest speed, other fields have their own champions as well.
The following infographic will summarize the fastest things in the world today, ranging from atoms and meteors to airplanes, rockets, animals, and even the fastest elevators in the world, along with many other fascinating items.
Light is the fastest thing in the world, traveling at a speed of 299,794 km/s.
The New Horizons spacecraft travels at a speed of 58,535 km/h.
The speed of sound is not faster than the speed of light.
The cheetah is the fastest land animal, capable of accelerating from 0 to 100 km/h in just 3 seconds.
Insano is the tallest water slide in the world, with a sliding speed of up to 105 km/h.
Usain Bolt is known as the fastest runner in the world.