Clouds suddenly fell from the sky to the ground, flying just one meter above the heads of the residents.
This rare phenomenon recently occurred in Sana’a, the capital of Yemen, which is situated at an altitude of 2,250 meters above sea level.
The video shows a large cloud descending to the ground on a hillside, while smaller clouds hovered just above the people’s heads.
The video shows a large cloud descending to the ground on a hillside.
It is rare for clouds to fall to the ground, but a similar event occurred in Saudi Arabia in March 2015.
When looking at the clouds floating in the sky, one might think they are very light. However, Peggy LeMone, a scientist at the U.S. Atmospheric Research Center, states that a small cloud contains about 500 tons of water.
Assuming an elephant weighs between 5-6 tons, this means that the amount of water in a cloud is equivalent to about 100 elephants. This is an astonishing figure.