Information about the catastrophic disasters occurring globally in 2011 and 2012 has been predicted by various seers. Dr. Chu Xuan Giao (Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities) stated that he had previously worked in Japan, where prophetic messages had emerged at sacred shrines, foretelling the apocalypse.
>>> Chilling predictions of disasters in 2014 and 2016?
>>> 2012: Was the Earth doomed?
This country is destined to suffer a terrible natural disaster. Indeed, the earthquake and tsunami, followed by a nuclear crisis, have left Japan grappling with overwhelming challenges.
The Mysteries of Prophecies!
Such prophecies hang in the air, challenging humanity. The Mayan prophecy often linked to the apocalypse is set for December 21, 2012, coinciding with the winter solstice, marking the end of the Mayan calendar and the beginning of a new era in the galaxy.
Researcher Nguyen Phuc Giac Hai has connected prophecies from 500 to 2000 years ago, including those from Vanga, the prophecies of Nguyen Binh Khiem (Trang Trinh), the Mayan calendar, and the book “China’s Two Thousand Year Prophecies”, which refers to forecasts made in China 2000 years ago.
Many reports suggest that the disaster Japan is currently experiencing was foretold by prophecies from the very shrines in Japan itself. (Illustrative image).
Seers have predicted adverse natural events affecting humanity. According to seer Vanga, starting from 2010, nature will experience strange occurrences such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and severe storms. The Mayan calendar indicates that those who believe in an apocalypse have already witnessed the early signs of this end, while the prophecies of Trang Trinh also foretell significant events impacting Vietnam and the world.
Many researchers have identified common themes among these ancient prophecies. They suggest that natural disasters are destructive to human life, serving as a lesson from nature due to humanity’s excessive ambitions and hatred. Only through fear do we learn restraint.
According to these seers, the ominous times they describe are not far off and may coincide with the Year of the Tiger or the Year of the Cat in the lunar calendar. Luu Ba On’s prophecy states that out of 10,000 poor people, only 1,000 will survive; among 10,000 wealthy individuals, only 3 or 4 will remain. Similarly, Trang Trinh’s prophecy states, “Out of 10, 7 will die, leaving only 3; if 2 die, only 1 will emerge for peace.”
Various Interpretations
Unlocking the mysteries of prophecies and interpretations has long been a desire for today’s scientific researchers. Many researchers have provided their explanations based on their understanding and connections to current events.
From the four prophetic verses of Trang Trinh Nguyen Binh Khiem, people have derived various interpretations that often bear no relation to one another. Since these are predictions from ancestors, anyone wishing to understand them according to their logic can find it reasonable without being forced. Thus, any guesses or plans are merely conjectures.
For example, the prophecy regarding the liberation of the capital states: “Cửu cửu kiền khôn vĩ địch; Thanh minh thời tiết hoa tàn; Trực đáo dương đầu mã vĩ; Hồ binhbát vạn nhập Tràng An”. To explain this verse requires extensive historical knowledge; not everyone can decipher it.
Here, the four verses are interpreted as 81 years of French colonial rule over Vietnam, culminating in March when the campaign for Dien Bien Phu commenced. By the end of the Year of the Horse (1954), our forces took over the capital. Such logical explanations are more acceptable than random interpretations.
Considering the current changes on Earth, researcher Nguyen Phuc Giac Hai believes that these prophecies may apply to some extent. Natural disasters have become more severe and brutal in recent years.
“We are not prophets when we see early signs of illness such as rashes or poor skin tone indicating that someone is unwell. Similarly, our planet is undergoing unpredictable changes due to the global climate crisis, rising sea levels, and humanity’s increasing dependence on technology, which devastates nature.
Thus, there will come a time when humanity must face judgment. In Christianity, this is referred to as the Last Judgment Day. However, it is not the end; rather, it is what some call the “Cleansing of Humanity,” Mr. Giac Hai stated.
According to many researchers, only time will verify the accuracy of these prophecies. However, not all prophecies are necessarily correct or explainable. People may interpret these prophecies in ways that benefit them, especially in matters of preaching to gain support from many fervent followers.
Therefore, no one can definitively assert the truth of all prophecy information. The decoding of such mystical elements is merely an interpretation based on the understanding and research of today’s society.