Once a mighty “king” leading a pride of lions, the heartbreaking images of the elderly lion in his final days evoke deep sorrow in many observers.
The poignant images of Lubyelubye, the oldest male lion in Kruger National Park (South Africa), were captured by tourist Storm Zackey during her visit to this nature reserve.
“On our way back to the campsite, we encountered a male lion, but the staff informed us that it was not an ordinary lion, but Lubyelubye, the oldest living male lion in Kruger National Park,” Storm Zackey shared about the moment she spotted Lubyelubye on the road.
“The animal appeared in quite poor condition, its body frail and limping… but it still had enough strength to lift its head and glance at us,” Zackey added.
According to staff at the Kruger Nature Reserve, Lubyelubye was once the “king” who dominated a powerful pride about 10 years ago. However, this elderly lion recently had to endure a power struggle with younger male lions.
Defeated in battle, Lubyelubye not only suffered injuries but was also forced out of the pride to hunt alone without the assistance of other pride members.
Images from the clip show Lubyelubye’s hind leg injured, causing it to walk with a limp. Clearly, in this condition, Lubyelubye is no longer capable of hunting. Even if its leg were uninjured, this lion would still struggle to hunt due to its advanced age and sluggishness.
The heartbreaking footage of Lubyelubye was recorded on June 9, and since then, no further news or images of this lion have been reported. Experts believe that Lubyelubye likely died from old age or starvation.
Lubyelubye looking frail and bony due to inability to hunt…
…a stark contrast to the image of the “king” in his prime years. (Photo: Kruger).
Leading male lions are regarded as the “kings” of vast territories. They do not need to hunt personally, as this task falls to the females or younger male lions in the pride.
The role of the dominant male lion is to protect the territory and pride members from incursions by other lions or predators like hyenas and African wild dogs.
As dominant male lions grow old and weak, they are challenged for power by younger, stronger male lions, sometimes even from within their own pride. These power struggles are a part of lion life, where the strongest reign.
Dominant male lions may be killed in power struggles or driven out of the pride if defeated. Members of the pride may be threatened and killed by the new ruling males if they refuse to submit to the new leaders.
Typically, the average lifespan of male lions in the wild is around 10 years. Therefore, Lubyelubye living to 15 years in the wild is considered a remarkable feat.
Nevertheless, the heartbreaking images of the once-renowned “king” on the savanna in his final days have left many witnesses feeling deep compassion.