As we know, when a very massive star “burns” through all its fuel, it ultimately collapses into a black hole with a gravitational force so intense that not even light can escape.
When a star or planet accidentally drifts into the gravitational field of a black hole, it will be torn apart and pulled inside the black hole, with an unlimited amount of mass being consumed (Black holes – The greedy demons).
The BIG BANG theory suggests that the universe was born from an explosion originating from a singular point (which I believe is similar in nature to a black hole), with an extremely high density and energy concentrated at that single point.
So, is it possible that one day a black hole, instead of only consuming matter, might also explode, releasing all the matter and energy it possesses, or will it gradually release matter and energy (in the form of radiation) and reduce its mass to zero?
I hope you will provide feedback and engage in discussion so we can enhance our knowledge together!