What Factors Make Sharks Reluctant to “Confront” Dolphins?
Dolphins – A Formidable “Rival” of Sharks
On July 1, 2023, the “Saved from a Shark” program on the National Geographic channel aired an episode recounting Martin Richardson’s encounter with a mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) while swimming in the Red Sea, Egypt. According to Live Science, he was bitten by the shark about five times and was waiting to die when something strange happened.
“There was no reason for the shark to stop. I had lost more than 2 liters of blood, and you only have about 4.5 to 5 liters of blood in your body. I knew it was swimming around me and I was starting to want to give up on everything,” Richardson said.
However, a pod of dolphins suddenly appeared right behind Richardson, and the shark abruptly stopped its attack and swam away.
Martin Richardson “encountered” a shark but was saved by dolphins. (Photo: Live Science)
In another reported case, a group of lifeguards swimming off the coast of New Zealand was surrounded by a pod of dolphins. Unbeknownst to them, a large great white shark was lurking nearby. Rob Howes, one of the underwater lifeguards, stated that one of the larger male dolphins charged at him, and he then realized it was targeting the approaching shark. The shark disappeared very quickly.
Todd Endris, 24, decided to go surfing with friends. While he was on the surface of the water, a shark about 4.5 meters long appeared. The shark attacked him three times. When Todd was exhausted and thought he was certain to die, a pod of dolphins appeared, forming a protective circle around him, holding the shark at bay long enough for Todd to catch a wave and swim to shore for help.
There have been many cases of people being attacked by sharks but fortunately saved by dolphins. (Photo: Pixabay)
The above cases indicate that sharks seem to be “reluctant” to confront dolphins. Sharks are dominant creatures in the vast oceans, with a fearsome appearance and excellent predatory skills, instilling fear in many underwater creatures. However, not every creature easily becomes prey for sharks, and dolphins are one of those exceptions.
Characteristics of Sharks and Dolphins
Before explaining why sharks fear dolphins, let’s explore the characteristics of these two species.
Sharks are a group of fish belonging to the class Chondrichthyes. According to marine research institutes, there are about 440 different species of sharks living in oceans worldwide. The whale shark is considered the largest fish among all known shark species, averaging about 14 meters in length, with some even reaching up to 18 meters. However, there are also smaller species; the lanternshark is the smallest, measuring only around 15 cm.
Despite having over 400 shark species, only 30 are dangerous to humans. (Photo: Pixabay)
Although there are over 400 species of sharks, only 30 are dangerous to humans. Statistics show that sharks attack fewer than 100 people annually, killing about 12 each year. Among them, tiger sharks, bull sharks, and great white sharks are responsible for most attacks on humans. They prey on creatures similar in size to humans and inflict fatal bites.
Dolphins are marine mammals closely related to whales. There are nearly 40 species of dolphins in 17 genera found in oceans, with a few living in some rivers around the world, such as the Yangtze River, the Amazon River, the Ganges River, and the Indus River.
Dolphins are marine mammals closely related to whales. (Photo: Pixabay)
Dolphins have a streamlined, sleek body that allows them to swim quickly. Their skin is gray or slightly blue, sometimes in other colors. Dolphins have the ability to see not only in water but also on the water surface. They are omnivorous, with body lengths ranging from 1 to 10 meters and weights from 40 kg to 10 tons. There are about 40 different dolphin species, most of which live in the ocean. About five species of dolphins inhabit rivers. Dolphins give birth and nurse their young with milk.
Reasons Sharks Avoid Dolphins
According to marine biologists, sharks often avoid and flee when encountering dolphins for the following four reasons.
Firstly, dolphins are known to be intelligent, agile, and highly social animals living in pods. If a shark encounters a pod of dolphins, it can easily be overwhelmed. This characteristic enables them to effectively defend themselves against sharks.
Dolphins have many factors that make sharks reluctant to confront them. (Photo: Pixabay)
Secondly, dolphins possess powerful bodies, agile physiques with dorsal fins that allow them to swim swiftly, and smooth skin that reduces water resistance. This makes it difficult for sharks, despite their size and strength, to catch up with dolphins during underwater chases.
Thirdly, the greatest weapon of dolphins lies not in brute strength, but in their intelligence and teamwork. When facing an enemy, dolphins often use numerical tactics, coordinating to attack their target, making it hard for sharks to cope. They can use their hard snouts to jab at the shark’s belly, the most vulnerable area, causing severe injuries or even death.
Dolphins not only protect their own kind but also protect humans from shark attacks. (Photo: Pixabay)
Fourthly, dolphins have the ability to protect each other. When a member of the pod is in danger, other individuals will quickly assist, forming a strong force capable of repelling any predator, including sharks. This is a remarkable image of solidarity and mutual support among individuals in nature.
Additionally, dolphins are known for their bravery, not only protecting their kind but also safeguarding humans from shark attacks. This not only demonstrates the extraordinary strength of dolphins but also symbolizes courage and friendship between species and humans.
However, there are still instances when sharks, driven by hunger or food scarcity, may attack dolphins. But, this scenario has a higher success rate for those dolphins that stray from their pods.
Encounters between sharks and dolphins offer vivid lessons about survival and adaptation in a harsh natural environment. (Photo: Pixabay)
Sharks and dolphins, two oceanic creatures, each possess their own advantages and strengths. However, in confrontations, brute strength is not always the determining factor. Intelligence, teamwork, and agility are key elements that enable dolphins to face and even triumph over sharks. The encounters between sharks and dolphins provide dynamic lessons on survival and adaptation in the harsh natural environment.