Although the Diospyros cathayensis, commonly known as the Persimmon Tree, is a small ornamental plant, it bears an abundance of fruit. The bright red persimmons hanging from its branches not only provide an attractive appearance but also symbolize wealth and prosperity for Asians in general and Vietnamese people in particular.
The Persimmon Tree symbolizes wealth and prosperity.
This tree is a perennial woody plant, with mature specimens reaching several meters in height. Its trunk is covered in a rough gray bark, and it has numerous branching limbs. The Persimmon Tree adapts well to the living conditions in Vietnam, particularly in cooler regions like Northern Vietnam.
Persimmon fruit starts green and gradually turns orange-red when ripe.
The fruit of the Persimmon Tree starts off green and gradually ripens to a vibrant orange-red. Notably, these fruits can remain on the tree for up to eight months without falling or rotting, unlike many other types of fruit.
However, contrary to its eye-catching appearance, the persimmon contains a certain level of toxins. If someone unknowingly consumes it, they may experience diarrhea. Additionally, the branches of the Persimmon Tree have many sharp thorns, so fruit pickers should be cautious to avoid getting pricked. Depending on the depth of the thorn puncture, the resulting wound could cause prolonged pain or swelling.
An interesting fact about the Persimmon Tree is that it has both male and female plants, with only the female producing fruit. To bear fruit, the female tree requires pollination.
The Persimmon Tree has both male and female plants; only the female produces fruit.
In Vietnam, the price of a Persimmon Tree ranges from several million to tens of millions of Vietnamese Dong. There have even been instances where a Persimmon Tree was priced at up to 135 million Dong due to its growth in a forest-like formation with interconnected roots. In China, this type of ornamental plant is also highly favored, particularly after the trees have been pruned and shaped, which can significantly increase their value, reaching several thousand Yuan per tree (equivalent to several million to tens of millions of Vietnamese Dong).
Furthermore, in China, the persimmon can also be used for medicinal purposes, aiding in blood circulation and liver health. The fruit can also be used to extract red dye.