The true meaning behind the mysterious smile of the Mona Lisa has captivated art lovers for many years, but now scientists believe they have found the answer.
Using a computer program designed to recognize facial emotions, researchers discovered that the beauty depicted by the master painter Leonardo da Vinci exhibits 83% happiness, 9% disgust, 6% fear, and 2% anger.
This study, conducted by Professor Nicu Sebe at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, utilized facial recognition software developed by Professor Tom Huang at the University of Illinois in the United States.
By comparing the painting with key facial features, such as the curvature of the lips and the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, the program was able to determine the levels of six basic human emotions: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness.
According to scientists, this technology could be used to create computers that respond to the moods of their users.
There have been many theories about the identity of the beautiful woman and the meaning behind her smile. Some suggest that the Mona Lisa was pregnant at the time, while others speculate that she is the artist’s homosexual lover or even a variant self-portrait.
Professor Donald Sassoon from the University of London commented: “One of the most important aspects of the painting is that Leonardo used a technique called sfumato, which means smoky or blurred.”
When asked why the Mona Lisa is smiling, he replied: “How can one know why someone is smiling in the picture? In the 15th century, people’s teeth were quite unattractive, so they wouldn’t want to show them off“.