What Makes Saudi Arabia’s Artificial Rain Technology Special?
Most of the terrain in Saudi Arabia consists of deserts and uninhabited wastelands. Among these are the Rub’ al Khali, the world’s largest sand desert, and the An-Nafud Desert, known for its sand dunes that exceed 30 meters in height. Due to such geographical features, this West Asian country often experiences harsh weather conditions. The average temperature in summer hovers around 45 degrees Celsius, and it can exceed 50 degrees Celsius.
Saudi Arabia, the largest oil exporter in the world, is turning to cloud seeding technology to increase rainfall.
Saudi Arabia uses artificial rain technology to adapt to climate change. (Photo: Istockphoto)
The implementation of artificial rain technology is part of efforts to increase Saudi Arabia’s annual rainfall, which does not exceed 100 mm per year, by 10-20%.
The technology used by Saudi Arabia involves cloud seeding. This method can help alter weather conditions in specific areas, increase rainfall, and mitigate the damage caused by natural disasters such as droughts, reduce air pollution, and serve important events.
Since its first appearance in the United States in 1946, artificial rainmaking has been adopted by many countries around the world. To date, more than 50 countries have utilized this technology.
Adapting to Climate Change?
Cloud seeding is a technique that involves introducing chemicals into clouds, such as using small iodide silver particles to enhance rainfall from the clouds. This causes water droplets to gather around the iodide silver particles. Subsequently, the droplets collide with each other, forming larger droplets and increasing the likelihood of rain.
Artificial rain technology helps Saudi Arabia reduce desertification. (Photo: Jim Brandenburg/Minden Pictures/Newscom)
Saudi Arabia is one of the driest countries in the world. Therefore, the nation’s artificial rain project aims to combat desertification by increasing rainfall. This is also one of the goals of Saudi Green, an initiative aimed at enhancing the country’s vegetation and improving its adaptability to climate change.
According to Ayman Ghulam, director of the National Meteorological Center and program manager for cloud seeding, the center has met its objectives regarding the results and timelines of cloud seeding activities.
The cloud seeding program for artificial rain will monitor cloud formation nationwide to identify optimal locations for implementing this technology. Experts will use environmentally friendly materials to increase rainfall in targeted areas.
Ayman Ghulam further stated that the cloud seeding initiative is a promising solution for maintaining safe water balance, while being easily adjustable and cost-effective.
Many countries around the world are also employing similar technology for artificial rain. For instance, China has invested millions of dollars to alter weather patterns before significant events such as the 2008 Beijing Olympics. It is expected that China will have a weather modification system for artificial rain covering more than 5.5 million square kilometers, with the capability to prevent hail over an area exceeding 580,000 square kilometers.
In July 2021, a group of scientists in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) used drones to discharge electricity into clouds. This device was collaboratively developed by the UAE and researchers from the University of Reading in the UK.
Specifically, these drones are launched into the atmosphere to collect weather data and interact with clouds in the form of electric charges. The charges help water droplets and other particles coalesce to form new and larger clouds, thus increasing the chances of rain. The larger the droplets fall from the clouds, the more likely they are to reach the ground.
This method of creating artificial rain helps the UAE cool down during prolonged heat waves in a nation that receives only about 10 cm of rainfall annually.
How is Artificial Rain Formed?
Artificial rain has been referenced for a long time. As early as 1946, the first artificial rain experiment was conducted in New York, USA, with the hope of addressing severe drought conditions.
Consequently, the cloud seeding technique was developed. To create artificial rain, fine particles (in powder or aerosol form) must be sprayed into clouds at altitudes between 2,000 and 4,000 meters. In practice, there are two methods for cloud seeding.
There are 2 methods for cloud seeding to create artificial rain. (Photo: letstalkscience)
First, a light aircraft fires flares filled with sodium chloride or iodide silver crystals into the clouds. These particles act like nuclei that allow the water vapor in the clouds to condense into droplets. After 15-30 minutes, it will start to rain.
Second, this method is more cost-effective. It involves launching small rockets from the ground filled with fine particles into the clouds. This device is used to interact with the condensate and generate raindrops.
Artificial rain technology remains a contentious topic. (Photo: AFP)
Although it can yield significant results, the use of cloud seeding technology for artificial rain is still controversial.
The climate crisis is pushing weather patterns to more extreme levels, threatening water-scarce regions worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), water scarcity affects 40% of the global population, and around 700 million people are at risk of displacement due to drought by 2030.
Therefore, the use of artificial rain technology is considered one of the solutions to help countries facing high drought risks partially address this issue.
However, experts warn that encouraging increased rainfall in a specific area will not be enough to end major droughts or impact the underlying climate crisis contributing to water scarcity and weather changes in many different regions worldwide.
According to researcher Katja Friedrich at the University of Colorado (USA): “I don’t think artificial rain will solve the problem, but it can be helpful. However, cloud seeding needs to be part of a larger plan related to effective water conservation, rather than just focusing on one thing.”
Additionally, this expert notes that implementing cloud seeding technology may face challenges due to changing weather conditions. In reality, the science surrounding artificial rain is still being developed, with various outcomes regarding its actual impact.
Some experts also express concern that more research is needed on the chemicals used to stimulate rainfall to ensure safety for the surrounding environment.
Is Cloud Seeding Technology the Cause of Flooding in Dubai?
Many questions have arisen regarding the real “culprit” behind the recent unusual flooding in the desert city of Dubai, which is attributed to cloud seeding technology.
Earlier this week, a significant amount of rainfall, equivalent to two years’ worth of accumulated rain, fell on Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), in just one day, causing severe flooding that impacted local activities. Subsequently, information surfaced on social media suggesting that this flooding was caused by artificial rain.
According to Business Insider, many atmospheric scientists have dismissed the claim that artificial rain is the cause of flooding in Dubai.
Experts noted that the rains in Dubai originated from a rare thunderstorm system that had been forecasted to produce heavy rainfall.
Residents attempt to push a stranded car due to unusual flooding in Dubai on April 16 – (Photo: AFP).
“The real issue here is that humanity has failed to gradually phase out fossil fuels. Therefore, we must prepare for unprecedented extreme weather conditions, which will continue to worsen until we achieve net-zero emissions,” said atmospheric scientist John Marsham.
Rising global temperatures lead to heavier rainfall across the planet, even in arid regions or during droughts.
This extreme weather phenomenon occurs due to a basic physical principle: warm air holds more water.
“Any effects, if any, of artificial rainmaking in these situations would be very small,” Mr. Marsham added.
In fact, the UAE is not the only desert or drought-stricken region devastated by floods in recent years. Death Valley National Park in California—known as one of the hottest and driest places on Earth—has witnessed historic flooding in 2022, 2023, and in February of this year.
Ms. Friederike Otto warned: “If humans continue to burn oil, gas, and coal, the climate will continue to warm, rainfall will increase, and people will continue to lose their lives due to flooding.”