The average age of the residents here is over 90, particularly healthy and passing away peacefully when they reach a hundred years old.
On Ikaria Island in Greece, longevity has become exceedingly common. It is not unusual to encounter centenarians. According to statistics, one in three Ikarians lives to be over 90 years old.
Not only do Ikarians live long lives, but they are also significantly healthier than other European residents. They have much lower rates of cancer, heart disease, depression, and dementia, remaining healthy well into old age, and maintaining an active sex life. Over the years, tourists have always sought to uncover the secrets of the residents’ longevity and health through various factors such as diet and sleep.
Ikaria Island is about 50km from the coast of Turkey. (Photo: oddity).
Ikaria Island is named after the mythological figure Icarus, who fell into the sea for flying too close to the sun. It is located in the eastern Mediterranean, approximately 50km from the Turkish coast. The longevity of the island’s population has been substantiated through scientific studies and demographic investigations conducted over many years, most notably the Ikaria study led by the University of Athens.
During this research, Dr. Christina Chrysohoou, a cardiologist at the University of Athens, discovered that the diet of Ikarians includes a lot of beans and locally grown vegetables. These foods contain antioxidants that are ten times higher than those found in red wine. The locals also consume plenty of potatoes and goat’s milk, eat little meat, and limit refined sugars.
According to Chrysohoou, the diet of Ikarians differs from that of residents on other Greek islands. This may contribute to their higher life expectancy. They drink a lot of herbal tea and a small amount of coffee, with daily calorie consumption not being high. Additionally, studies indicate that the habit of taking afternoon naps is also a factor in reducing the risk of heart disease.
Ikarians not only live long lives but also typically pass away in a natural state without illness. The Guardian once published a story about Kostas Sponsas, a native Ikarian who lost a leg in Albania during the war and celebrated his 100th birthday in 2013. Kotas shared his secrets to longevity, stating that avoiding negative thoughts, loneliness, sadness, and stress is key. Furthermore, Kotas emphasized not eating fried foods, always getting enough sleep (keeping the window open while sleeping), avoiding excessive meat consumption, drinking herbal tea, and having red wine with every meal.
Although elderly, these people remain healthy with few ailments. (Photo: youtube).
Eleni Mazari, a local real estate agent, speaks about how family is an important part of Ikaria’s culture, contributing to their longevity and health. “We let our elderly relatives live with us. There are places for them here, but only for those who have lost their entire family. It would be shameful for someone here to send their elderly parents to a nursing home. This might also be a reason why the elderly live so long,” Eleni said.
Ikaria remains an isolated island, with not many tourists visiting.
The root vegetable is the secret to Ikarians’ longevity
According to Diane Kochilas, the host and producer of the television show “My Greek Table,” the people in her homeland follow a Mediterranean diet. Garlic is an essential ingredient in this diet. They use garlic in daily meals, such as making salad dressings, spreading garlic on bread, stewing garlic with grains or beans, sautéing garlic with pasta, and cooking garlic with goat meat. Diane believes that garlic is not just a common cooking ingredient but also a key to Ikarians’ longevity.
“Garlic makes food more appealing. It is present in most recipes in my latest cookbook. I cannot imagine my life without this bulb,” Diane shared.
Moreover, according to Diane, for Ikarians, garlic is also a medicinal herb with numerous health benefits. They use garlic in many folk remedies to treat or prevent colds. This bulb is also used as a natural antibiotic.
In fact, modern scientific studies have proven that garlic offers numerous health benefits and contributes to longevity, such as boosting immunity, anti-inflammation, and regulating blood pressure. A study in Japan showed that garlic enhances gut health, which in turn helps prolong life.
In Vietnam, garlic is also widely used not only in various dishes but also in traditional medicine.