1. Tarsier

The Tarsier, a primate from Southeast Asia, has extremely large eyes. Each eye has a diameter of approximately 16 mm, which is about the same size as its brain.
2. Viperfish

The Viperfish (scientific name: Mesopelagic), found at depths ranging from 80 to 1,600 meters, belongs to the genus Chauliodus and is one of the most fearsome-looking creatures of the ocean. At night, some Viperfish turn black and begin to glow due to bioluminescent organs distributed across “strategic” parts of their bodies. Their stomachs are very large and elastic, allowing them to swallow and digest prey that is significantly larger than themselves.
3. Uakari Monkey

The Uakari Monkey has a bright red head, complemented by its red fur, giving it an even stranger appearance. The local people in South America refer to them as “English monkeys” because they remind them of the first Englishmen who arrived here, who, unaccustomed to the climate, ended up with sunburned faces.
4. Mata Mata Turtle

This large freshwater turtle has many very peculiar features. Its exterior resembles a layer of tree bark and soaked leaves. A nose protrudes from its body, functioning like a snorkel, allowing the Mata Mata to submerge underwater.
5. Spotted Tenrec

This animal inhabits the island of Madagascar, which is home to many of the world’s strangest creatures. The Spotted Tenrec is covered in stiff black fur with yellow spots. Its danger lies in the venomous spines surrounding its neck.
6. Axolotl

The Axolotl is considered the Peter Pan of the animal kingdom, as it maintains its larval form throughout its life. Additionally, the Axolotl possesses remarkable regenerative abilities. When it loses a leg, another one quickly regrows. Even more uniquely, it can regenerate complex structures like the brain and spinal cord. This is why scientists are extremely interested in this “water monster.”
7. Babirusa

Looking at the shape of the Babirusa, one would not be surprised that it has become a legendary creature among the inhabitants of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Under the “suggestion” of the Babirusa, the locals have concocted various stories about a monster with a devilish face.
8. Proboscis Monkey

With its large belly and long nose, this species is considered one of the most humorous animals in the animal kingdom.
9. Two-Tailed Slug

This species of slug has a face that can startle anyone who sees it. Not only that, but it also has two small tails that help it camouflage from predators.
10. Leaf Frog

This species of frog uses camouflage to resemble a dry leaf. If you do not look closely, it is very hard to spot among the fallen leaves on the ground. This frog also moves very rarely. When hunting, it stays still, waiting for prey to pass by and then attacks suddenly.